In age old tradition of causing a scene (everywhere) and of being instantly recognisable (oh come on, hoodies(incidentally am currently in the committee room in the forum, ya know that woman who works here....wearing orange, bright day glow orange, i tell you, slowly but surely we are taking over the world!))
Right to get down to business, it was decided by the democratic bus vote last saturday that the theme of P for varsities was to be altered slightly in favour of penguins, a large group of penguins from the antartic, according to our zoologist (Sara) is known as a puddle of penguins, however once having migrated to belfast they are often to be known as a paddle of penguins!
Just to be clear, there shall be absolutely NO free drink provided for UCD members not dressed up as penguins, penguin costume includes a beak, and flippers of some description, the rest, well use your initiative! naked penguins covered in black and white body paint, posh penguins wearing tails, whatever your into!
Tutorials on appropriate penguin sounds and noises shall be given on the bus journey to belfast, and needless to say to the polo team on the train that morning!!!!!
Our Mascots