Author Topic: VARSITIES!  (Read 10302 times)

Offline claire

  • Posts: 183
« on: February 21, 2005, 12:03:44 »
just like to say well done who everyone who came up and took part in the vasities this weekend... ensuring that UCD reached the lofty heights of 7th position overall!
 :occasion7:  :king:
special shoutout to
Dave Byrne (pro boater) who came joint first in the mens rodeo!
Killian Halpin who came first in his class in long distance
The whitewater team (caoimhe, jenny, tom and fergal) who came 6th (despite being given a time penalty for being late to the river)
and of course the wonderful polo team who came 4th, and in the great tradition of the club..played blind drunk!!:occasion5:

oh and well done to all the penguins who won a special costume prize... not so well done to the many people from the club who proved too drunk to be hypnotized!
was a really, really fantastic weekend, hope everyone enjoyed themselves as much as I did! :occasion7:  

commiserations to Holly, Bex and Joey who all got injured in the line of duty at the weekend... get well soon guys...

Ok so i think all that remains to be said is of course
oh and

Offline meabh

  • Posts: 192
  • towel and tortilla on a world wide adventure
« Reply #1 on: February 21, 2005, 16:13:45 »

Like to second that well done, everyone played a blinder (namely coz they were too drunk to see)!

Yes buckfast is available as a vat 37 in the north and even better it's 15% as opposed to the usual 14.8% down here!

the polo team would like to attribute their win directly to the amount of buckfast consumed, and as goalie i'd like to offer the advice that when you can see 3 different balls the one on the extreme left is usually the one to go for, the others don't actually exist!

the other great achievment of the wknd was claire managing to fit 23 wine gums in her mouth on the way home! GO CLAIRE!

To everyone who didn't make it there, we missed you!

To everyone who didn't make it home, follow the random penguins

To all the gay and straight penguins, we rocked!

To the white water team.....hmmmmm!

To long distance, ah-ha

To anyone who did the rodeo, did you guys find the wave, coz i think i missed it and i don't think it was coz i was drunk!

And of course word up to queens who organised a fantastic wknd. right nuf said, bring on the photos!!!!!


ps: claire, who were you refering to when you said DIRT, you or Maria???