Author Topic: Alpine Adventures and Freshers Week-end Autopsy  (Read 13041 times)

Offline TomB

  • Posts: 296
Alpine Adventures and Freshers Week-end Autopsy
« on: October 26, 2005, 11:20:05 »

this tueday, meeting at 7.30pm meeting at the notice board, a former captain Benny will be giving a presentation on all the paddling he's done Alpes, be it French or Italian.

This is a must if you hope to go to the italian alpes next year.


after Benny, we have a slide show of all the photos from the freshers week-end, so bring you camaras this weekend and start snapping!

By use of the clap-o-meter the photographer of the best photo will win a box-o-beer!! this is to encourage good photos of the week-end :shock:

The club won't be bring booze to the night (cause you drank us dry at the last two), so bring some offie and drink there!

Offline TomB

  • Posts: 296
Alpine Adventures and Freshers Week-end Autopsy
« Reply #1 on: November 01, 2005, 10:44:55 »
hey guys this event is going to be post poned until tuesday of next week!

this is to facilitate people who won't be able to get photos ready for tonight

Offline TomB

  • Posts: 296
Alpine Adventures and Freshers Week-end Autopsy
« Reply #2 on: November 06, 2005, 23:14:12 »
hi guys this is on tueday at 7.30, meeting at the notice board! spread the word!!!!!

Offline kmck

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Alpine Adventures and Freshers Week-end Autopsy
« Reply #3 on: November 07, 2005, 09:45:48 »
You know you could do posters and advertise this so that members who have yet to dicover the wonders of the board can find it?

Rob (aka Bob)

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Alpine Adventures and Freshers Week-end Autopsy
« Reply #4 on: November 08, 2005, 17:05:53 »
i can't make it because it's my debs tonight!! :D  But i'll catch the photos when they are posted on the web

Offline kill

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Alpine Adventures and Freshers Week-end Autopsy
« Reply #5 on: November 10, 2005, 15:03:36 »
Thanks Jess for a fantastic end to a >24hour party. Tremendous fun was had. By the way, my tutorial was cancelled after all.  :P
How did your exam go Aisling?

Offline Asho87

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Alpine Adventures and Freshers Week-end Autopsy
« Reply #6 on: November 11, 2005, 23:34:16 »
em... well..... i think i passed it but the fact that i was still drunk coming out of it might have misled me into thinking i did grand! shall let u know  :wink:

Offline Monkey Loving Bob

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Alpine Adventures and Freshers Week-end Autopsy
« Reply #7 on: November 12, 2005, 08:51:37 »
Mucho appreciado going to Jess for that party,
And yaaraah sure didn't you do grand and go drinkin in CELBRATION after your exam, Ais with that kind of endorsement, there is no way you could have done anything but pass