Freshers weekend will be on the nights of 20th and 21st of October

Welcome to all our new members, Without knowing it you've just made a massive lifestyle choice. Its probably more important then what you filled out on your CAO.
Why? Well the CAO is for what you have to do for the rest of your life in order to do what you want to do.
Kayaking and eh..."related" activities are what you'll want to do. (We own your lives now Mwahahaa).
On to the details:
There will be a bus from college at 5pm on Firday 21st. There are loads of very nice beds for those faders who like to quit while their ahead at 5am. No scout den this year. We've moved up in the world - to a hostel! (classy I know).
Expect Cost to be between €40-55. I'll Have a definite figure on monday at the very latest.
Check back for more updates.