Author Topic: Instructors  (Read 8504 times)

Offline SafeDee

  • Posts: 443
« on: September 05, 2007, 07:11:35 »
hey guys!

can anyone who is willing to instruct saturday trips this year pm me contact details etc cos there are a lot of people i cant track down...................
« Last Edit: September 05, 2007, 10:16:32 by SafeDee »

Offline Diarmaid

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Re: Instructors
« Reply #1 on: September 05, 2007, 10:28:10 »
I had a list of all the instructors, their qualification levels, phone numbers, etc from last year (you need it for the grant application). Not sure now where it is; I think I might have given it to Mark or someone.

Offline Lorcan

  • Posts: 275
Re: Instructors
« Reply #2 on: September 05, 2007, 10:49:26 »
Hey Zach

Just a quick note on your response to Dees post. I know throughout many clubs in the country, ie. college clubs. When they apply for their grants they include future training. Most clubs do not make there instructors pay for training or assesments as it will benefit the club.
By the way i'm not looking for money here.
I think it would be more beneficial to look for money for training up new instructors then paying the instructors that are members of the club.
And by that i mean current members of the college.
Just my 2 cents

Offline kjt

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Re: Instructors
« Reply #3 on: September 05, 2007, 11:58:45 »
Sounds like a clever idea Lorcan

Offline Ritchie

  • Posts: 929
Re: Instructors
« Reply #4 on: September 05, 2007, 15:09:35 »
hi lorcan,

in theory you have a really great idea man, and this years committee seriously considered it. Unfortunately we envisaged some problems. firstly, by the time a student has enough kayaking experience to complete the L2/3 instructors course they are either a final year student or close to being one. Secondly, in reality most graduates aren't that bothered going on club trips as they have little time outside their 9-5 jobs and prefer kayaking among the friends they made in college, or else their off travelling.
So basically we thought that there was little point, all new ideas are welcomed!!

« Last Edit: September 05, 2007, 15:31:05 by Ritchie »

Offline Lorcan

  • Posts: 275
Re: Instructors
« Reply #5 on: September 05, 2007, 15:56:10 »
Hi Ritchie
I take your point about a lot of members being finished by the team they are at the level where they become instructors.
But if you look over the past couple of years every year the people who are instructing on trips are the people in college. The people who are leading the trips are the People who are payed to come along on trips.
I think it is well worth applying for a grant to offer the possability of training and assesment for members of the club.
I know from applying for grants that if this is part of your application and it has never been there before it will not effect the rest of the grant.
If you get it grand if not there is no problem.
I am not saying that it should be given for everyone who is sitting an assesment but definately level 3/4 instructors and srt or rsr courses.
And if it does come through it can be put in a seperate account that people have to apply for and possibly sign contracts (i use this term losely) to say that they will be available to help out with the club for a certain amount of trips when they pass.

as i said i have only brought this up as an idea, as i am seeing it happen in other clubs and associations.


Offline david

  • Posts: 616
Re: Instructors
« Reply #6 on: September 05, 2007, 16:17:04 »
Lots of other sports do exactly as lorcan just said and it works pretty well. I think that if a club forked out to have me (or anyone) made an instructor I (or anyone) would be a lot more inclined to stick about and instruct as I (or anyone) would feel quite obliged to do so and also feel appreciated.

Offline joxer

  • Posts: 439
Re: Instructors
« Reply #7 on: September 05, 2007, 19:12:48 »

In relation to the paying for training instructors. The is a college policy on paying for instructors courses. UCD will only ever fund 50 % of the course, since people also get to eanr money from it after they are finished college. Having said that, there is no reason for the committee not to fund the other half from club generated money.
As senior treasurer, I am sure the committee will debate this suggestion and make a decission prior to the application of the AUC grant.  I will get them to make an announement then.

On a personel note, I think it is a very good idea to help the club progress

Offline Mark

  • Posts: 854
Re: Instructors
« Reply #8 on: September 05, 2007, 21:38:11 »
This has been considered and has yet to be ruled out. At the moment though it is not on the cards until a training budget is set out for the coming year. This won't be done until we at least know how much money we take in on freshers week.

Ritchie's point is valid in that we need some way of ensuring we get a return on our investment.

This isn't really relevant to dee's post though.
« Last Edit: September 05, 2007, 21:39:51 by Mark »

Offline Lorcan

  • Posts: 275
Re: Instructors
« Reply #9 on: September 05, 2007, 22:42:18 »

Ritchie's point is valid in that we need some way of ensuring we get a return on our investment.

And if it does come through it can be put in a seperate account that people have to apply for and possibly sign contracts (i use this term losely) to say that they will be available to help out with the club for a certain amount of trips when they pass.


Thats a good Point Joxer. As dave mentioned in his post there are a lot of people who have helped out and gone and become instructors and even 50% would go towards thanking people for their efforts.
