Author Topic: Level 3 Assessment...  (Read 9128 times)

Offline Ritchie

  • Posts: 929
Level 3 Assessment...
« on: October 03, 2007, 11:01:04 »

Alright guys there'll be a L3 Assessment this Saturday 6th

 - it'll be from sluice down to lucan
 - meeting at boathouse with the saturday trip but being dropped off at sluice
 - lettuce kno if your interested but can't make it



Offline Ritchie

  • Posts: 929
Re: Level 3 Assessment...
« Reply #1 on: October 03, 2007, 17:21:47 »
can ppl please add their name below, theres a max of 8..

...freshers who have experience and are at the L3 standard can also sign up

Offline kjt

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Re: Level 3 Assessment...
« Reply #2 on: October 03, 2007, 19:07:20 »
Sign me up!

Offline kjt

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Re: Level 3 Assessment...
« Reply #3 on: October 03, 2007, 22:48:52 »
Is this the actual assessment or pre-assmnt?

Offline Cli

  • Posts: 303
Re: Level 3 Assessment...
« Reply #4 on: October 03, 2007, 22:50:23 »
i definitely want to do L3 assesment, but can't this Sat I'm afraid. Book me in for next one.

thanks, Cliodhna

Offline Douchier

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Re: Level 3 Assessment...
« Reply #5 on: October 03, 2007, 22:55:58 »
What skills are required to pass?

Offline Lorcan

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Re: Level 3 Assessment...
« Reply #6 on: October 03, 2007, 23:08:08 »
Level 3 Kayaking Skills

General aims
The Level 3 Kayaking Skills Award aims to enable participants to
1.01   kayak safely and competently on river up to and including Grade 2 rivers as a member of a group.
1.02   be capable of negotiating obstacles likely to be encountered on Grade 2 rivers.
1.03   assist in rescues.
1.04   foster further participation in canoeing.

Participants must successfully explain and demonstrate the following techniques and skills at a level higher than that required for the Level 2 Kayaking Skills Award.

2.01   Forward Paddle, Reverse Paddle, Emergency Stop.
2.02   Forward Sweep, Reverse Sweep and a combination of Forward and Reverse Sweep.
2.03   Draw Stroke
2.04   Sculling Draw
2.05   Sculling for Support
2.06   Low Brace
2.07   High Brace
2.08   Low Brace Turn
2.09   Stern Rudder
2.10   Bow Rudder

2.11   Entry and Exit
2.12   Edging
2.13   Forward Ferry Gliding
2.14   Reverse Ferry Gliding
2.15   Breaking In
2.16   Breaking Out
2.17   Capsize Drill

2.18   Assisted X Rescue and an X Rescue
2.19   Eskimo Rescue

2.20   Safety Rules
2.21   an understanding of the use of Defensive Swimming
2.22   an understanding of Eddies, Standing Waves, V Waves, Stoppers, and Easy River Routes i.e. the main flow down a Grade II rapid
2.23   an understanding of good control (i.e. responding to various signals and commands)

3.01   During an assessment a participant must explain and demonstrate all techniques and skills at a level higher than that required for the Level 2 Kayak Skills Award. All techniques, skills and rescues must be demonstrated to an assessor's satisfaction in order to achieve this award.

3.02   No part of an assessment can be taken in a swimming pool. All assessment criteria must be demonstrated outdoors on water of Grade 2 difficulty as part of a river trip.
3.03   All strokes should be demonstrated in relevant situations i.e sculling in a small stopper. Strokes should be demonstrated on both sides of the kayak.
3.04   Generally, required assessment rescues will be kept until the end of an assessment.
3.05   Participants for this award must be at least 12 years of age.

Assessment Guidelines
It is recommended that a Level 3 Kayak Skills Award is assessed by a coach other than the coach who ran the training course leading to assessment
The Level 3 Kayak Skills Award can only be assessed by a currently registered ICU Coach.
The assessment will be carried out with a maximum of four candidates to one assessor, however, a ratio of 3:1 is preferable.
Generally guidelines will be given, should a candidate fail an assessment, as to the areas that they need to improve on.

Notes for Level 1-3 Kayaking Skills Awards

Safety Rules of Canoeing
1.   You must be able to swim.
You must always wear a buoyancy aid.
You must always ensure that there is adequate kayak buoyancy.
You must never canoe alone.

Entry and Exit
Can be carried out with or without the use of paddles, depending on what is most appropriate to the situation.

Forward Paddling
Some directional instability is allowed for. This should not include complete loss of forward movement or continuous veering from side to side, aiming for a point/gap as a task.

Reverse Paddling
Some directional instability is allowed for. This should not include complete loss of reverse movement or continuous veering from side to side.  A wider stroke than that used for forward paddling is permissible.

Stopping should occur in a straight line allowing some leeway, but not veering from side to side. Ability to stop should be demonstrated while paddling forward and in reverse.

Forward Sweep Stroke
There should be full arm extension. The sweep should be initiated at the front of the kayak and continued to stern with trunk rotation evident.

Reverse Sweep Stroke
Trunk rotation to place paddle in the water at stern should be evident. There should be continuous sweep to the front of the kayak as the trunk unwinds. There should be full arm extension throughout.

Draw Stroke
The paddle should remain in the water throughout. Some slight bow or stern swing is acceptable.  An ability to maintain the paddle shaft vertical, should be evident. Some body rotation towards the paddling side should be evident.

Low Brace Support
The kayak must be sufficiently tilted for water to reach the spraydeck. A good push down with the elbows above paddle and associated knee lift and lower body rotation should be evident.

Low Brace Turn
The kayak should be moved at an acceptable speed and a turn induced by applying a sweep on the opposite side, followed by edging into the turn, the back of the blade on the surface of the water for support on the turning side and at a suitable angle/feather.

Capsize Drill
While wearing a spraydeck, and followed by a 10 metre swim towing the kayak and paddle to the bank, then emptying the kayak correctly. The paddle should be retained.

Lower Body Rotation
A demonstration of the use of the lower body in controlling the kayak, for example the initial stages of an Eskimo Rescue.

Offline Cathy

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Re: Level 3 Assessment...
« Reply #7 on: October 05, 2007, 09:36:28 »
Yep, i'm in 2!!!

Offline Pia!

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Re: Level 3 Assessment...
« Reply #8 on: October 05, 2007, 11:06:21 »
Me too! I suppose i should try out this whole ICU thing. Thank guys! Be nice on saturday.......