My wonderful Simon has decided to do something to keep him occupied while I'm off on my seven month trip to South America. So he has teamed up with his paddling buddy, Phil, and is heading off to try and circumnavigate Madagascar by sea kayak.

Madagascar has not yet been circumnavigated by sea kayak... for many reasons!!!! Simon and Phil will try to paddle the 4,828 km of coastline, while avoiding the salt water crocodiles (which think the hull of a kayak looks very similar to seals, their staple diet), a variety of sharks, poisonous snakes, frogs, spiders etc. They will have to paddle long stretches where fresh water & resupply are just not available. They will have to rely on their own desalination equipment and be wholly self-sufficient. And when they do land in villages, they'll have to keep a very close eye on their expensive gear!!
Not to mention malaria, cholera, typhoid, yellow fever, rabies, hepatitis, HIV & AIDS, The plague, and gazillion parasites and pathogens...
Oh... and they have only a three month visa, so they'll have to average 57km a day, every day for 90 days!!!

Oh yeah... they're going in cyclone season!!!

For news while they're out there!!! Good luck honey