Author Topic: Lost at Freshers weekend!!!  (Read 9145 times)

Offline Pia!

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Lost at Freshers weekend!!!
« on: October 22, 2007, 21:43:44 »
Did anyone take a black lidl sleeping bag out of sean jennings' van at freshers cos i left it there all weekend and it wasn't there on sunday morning. The sleeping bag is black with two red panels on the sides. Sean said he saw it outside the hostel on sunday if that jogs anyones memory
If anyone does have it i wouldn't use it cos who knows what i could have done in there.......

Offline kmck

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Re: Lost at Freshers weekend!!!
« Reply #1 on: October 22, 2007, 21:53:08 »
Yes lads be careful this is the girl who did introduce us to, "the shildoo".