Author Topic: Christmas Party  (Read 41226 times)

Offline finch

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Re: Christmas Party
« Reply #30 on: December 04, 2008, 12:29:39 »
I'm in all day sojust give me a text whenever you're finished  :P

Offline Lucy

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Re: Christmas Party
« Reply #31 on: December 04, 2008, 13:01:30 »
boys that means that drinking is either gonna start very early or not at all...a dangerous game to be playing. very dangerous indeed.
I'll see you all tonight with your bells on, it is christmas afterall!
Look sharpish kids.

Offline finch

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Re: Christmas Party
« Reply #32 on: December 04, 2008, 13:09:04 »
boys that means that drinking is either gonna start very early or not at all...a dangerous game to be playing. very dangerous indeed.

The best kind of game I think   ;D

Offline Ley-Ley

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Re: Christmas Party
« Reply #33 on: December 04, 2008, 13:23:36 »
Wait? We can't drink in Messers? Wtf is going on? I'm confused and I forgot to buy bells. This is a terrible day. :(

Offline finch

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Re: Christmas Party
« Reply #34 on: December 04, 2008, 13:45:21 »
Relax - it's a good day  ;D :P

We can drink in Messrs - we're just going to start early in the bar in UCD - join us if you're around

Also you don't necessarely need bells - only if you want to dress up like that........

Offline Ley-Ley

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Re: Christmas Party
« Reply #35 on: December 04, 2008, 13:49:18 »
I'm in UCD now and I would like to join but its too much of an effort and I have to go to the doctor at 4.10. So boo urns. Drink two on me Finchster, two on me.

Offline Eoghan

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Re: Christmas Party
« Reply #36 on: December 04, 2008, 13:51:57 »
so when are people headin student bar?ha finch leighton's into bells n stuff remember his freshers costume?? :)

Offline finch

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Re: Christmas Party
« Reply #37 on: December 04, 2008, 13:54:58 »
Drink two on me Finchster, two on me.
Can I count the one I owe you in that ??

I'd say I'll head to the bar around 7.30 or so - depends on how much work I get done - and what was his costume again ?? (Memory like a goldfish I'm afraid)

Offline Ley-Ley

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Re: Christmas Party
« Reply #38 on: December 04, 2008, 13:57:08 »
No you can't you damn Wicklow man you. Why don't you go into town before and have a few drinks, that way I can join in too!!!!

Here Eoghan,, yea. A French maid has nothing to do with bells!!!

Offline finch

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Re: Christmas Party
« Reply #39 on: December 04, 2008, 14:01:05 »
But €10 pitchers (a.k.a. 3 pints) are too cheap to pass up  :P

Offline becca

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Re: Christmas Party
« Reply #40 on: December 04, 2008, 14:01:43 »
9 p.m.

Quote from: Homer Simpson
And how much is it in ??


Quote from: Homer Simpson
And what time do we have to be there at ??

9 p.m.

Quote from: Homer Simpson
But how much is it in ??


 :P :P

Sorry man - couldn't resist

And is there some sort of "entry fee" to this social gathering?

and is there some kind of "schedualed time" when we gather together? meet and talk about each other, drink heavily in order to enjoy one anothers company and then later move to a designated area where we move our bodies in jerking, jiggling sort of movements in time with the latest pop singles?....god, i love parties.

... anyone up for a little pre-drinking at mine first with an aim to hit  barcode around half ten, eleven?

Offline Eoghan

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Re: Christmas Party
« Reply #41 on: December 04, 2008, 14:02:46 »
ha so leighton wat time willl u be in town at?i might go to the bar for 1 and then i could cycle in??GALAHAD?? :)

Offline Ley-Ley

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Re: Christmas Party
« Reply #42 on: December 04, 2008, 14:05:06 »
But €10 pitchers (a.k.a. 3 pints) are too cheap to pass up  :P
You sold your soul man, you sold it good.

Umm, I don't know what time, whats best? Maybe an hour before we have to go to Messers?

Offline finch

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Re: Christmas Party
« Reply #43 on: December 04, 2008, 14:07:47 »
Yes I did - but I got beer money for it  ;D

If you guys are going proper cheap drinking I'm in - I just wasn't that arsed going the whole way into town earlier then I had to

Oh and it's 2 already Eoghan

Offline Ley-Ley

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Re: Christmas Party
« Reply #44 on: December 04, 2008, 14:12:18 »
I don't know about proper cheap drinking, I know I dress like a knacker but I don't like to drink like them. I could be persuaded though. I'll go with the flow.