Author Topic: Christmas Party  (Read 53902 times)

Offline Evan

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Re: Christmas Party
« Reply #60 on: December 04, 2008, 14:46:08 »
Fine - I'll get you "a pint" later  ;)  happy ??

Thanks Finch. That seemed like a pretty open proposal to EVERYBODY so post up here if you want Finch to buy you a pint ;D

Offline KarlC

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Re: Christmas Party
« Reply #61 on: December 04, 2008, 14:46:59 »
theres no way cooler can beat guinness, ill slap you silly woman

Offline Lucy

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Re: Christmas Party
« Reply #62 on: December 04, 2008, 14:47:17 »
I didn't want to ge involved...but oh well.

Look here Leighton. You crowd are all just scared of those of us from Wickla. You come down, abuse our rivers and then piss off back to Dublin only to hurl abuse at us. Well, no more. The next time you come to Wickla we'll be waiting for YOUR kind...that's right...YOUR kind. The kind of people that need a vodka on the rocks to get them through the day. Don't go tainting our board with your efforts to get plastered at an unholy hour of the day whilst the rest of us are making the most of our day in the Library. We are a respectful Sports community and we will not be party to this madness. You are an alcoholic alcoholic. Look at you...getting people to pay you in pints.
You owe me a pint.
You're in the denial stage.
I'm no alco thank you very much, I like the odd West Coast Cooler but that's it
'That's it' is it? Yeah sure that's it. That's it until lunch time.
We'll get you through it. But DO NOT give me abuse for being from ALCO!

Offline finch

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Re: Christmas Party
« Reply #63 on: December 04, 2008, 14:49:17 »
Fine - I'll get you "a pint" later  ;)  happy ??

Thanks Finch. That seemed like a pretty open proposal to EVERYBODY so post up here if you want Finch to buy you a pint ;D

Pints of Water all round then ??

Oh and Wicklow Rules !!!!!!!  ;D 8)

Offline Evan

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Re: Christmas Party
« Reply #64 on: December 04, 2008, 14:51:12 »
I think you'll notice I said to "buy" a pint. That means, unless Messrs is a complete rip-off it has to be more than water

Offline finch

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Re: Christmas Party
« Reply #65 on: December 04, 2008, 14:53:21 »
And I'll hand over a small amount of money for all those pints of water......

And my pint of beer

Offline KarlC

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Re: Christmas Party
« Reply #66 on: December 04, 2008, 14:54:11 »
bottled water poured into a pint glass, that'll shut em up finch :D

Offline Diarmaid

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Re: Christmas Party
« Reply #67 on: December 04, 2008, 14:55:39 »

you won't send me to the cooler!

Offline Ley-Ley

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Re: Christmas Party
« Reply #68 on: December 04, 2008, 14:56:00 »
I didn't want to ge involved...but oh well.

Look here Leighton. You crowd are all just scared of those of us from Wickla. You come down, abuse our rivers and then piss off back to Dublin only to hurl abuse at us. Well, no more. The next time you come to Wickla we'll be waiting for YOUR kind...that's right...YOUR kind. The kind of people that need a vodka on the rocks to get them through the day. Don't go tainting our board with your efforts to get plastered at an unholy hour of the day whilst the rest of us are making the most of our day in the Library. We are a respectful Sports community and we will not be party to this madness. You are an alcoholic alcoholic. Look at you...getting people to pay you in pints.
You owe me a pint.
You're in the denial stage.
I'm no alco thank you very much, I like the odd West Coast Cooler but that's it
'That's it' is it? Yeah sure that's it. That's it until lunch time.
We'll get you through it. But DO NOT give me abuse for being from ALCO!
Oh, oh, your bringing out the racism card are you? Well that's just great. I joined this club thinking I'd fit in, be one of the 'in' crowd! I was a little rumbled to see some of the Pale outsiders in the club but I'm open minded, I figured I'd try and get along but no, I get abused for being from the big smoke, for wanting more from my life than being a country bumkin, well listen here, not all of use can go to our Cork cousins and get a job on the bog. It's not all roses and chocolates for me you know. I need to drink. I need.

I can see I'm not wanted anymore. :(

Offline KarlC

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Re: Christmas Party
« Reply #69 on: December 04, 2008, 14:57:44 »
I can see I'm not wanted anymore. :(

you can be the token fresher drunk

Offline Ley-Ley

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Re: Christmas Party
« Reply #70 on: December 04, 2008, 15:00:19 »
Fine by me, as long as my drink is payed for and I'm brought home safely. Don't let Rodg bring me home, he changes when he's drunk, lol.

Offline KarlC

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Re: Christmas Party
« Reply #71 on: December 04, 2008, 15:02:57 »
no dice
youll take what your given and like it

Offline Ley-Ley

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Re: Christmas Party
« Reply #72 on: December 04, 2008, 15:05:19 »
Ok, but I won't like it.

Offline Lucy

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Re: Christmas Party
« Reply #73 on: December 04, 2008, 15:06:24 »
Racism....racism? I called you an alcho?! Sorry. I didn't realise I was pickin on an idiot. That's unfair.

I missed the bit where I abused where you came from. Again, I only referred to your drinking.
As for being a..what was it?...Country Bumpkin?! Dangerous territory. I am no ones Bumpkin...not even the country's. Yes I am from the "country", if that's what we're calling Wickla. Here's an offer for you Leighton if you were
a little rumbled to see some of the Pale outsiders in the club
hows bout you stick to your rivers and I'll stick to

Also, for the record, I have no cousins in Cork.

Fine by me, as long as my drink is payed for and I'm brought home safely. Don't let Rodg bring me home, he changes when he's drunk

It's not fine! SNAP OUT OF IT! Hoping you'll be 'brought home safely' as opposed to get yourself home safely is certainly an odd aspiration for a night out.Really setting your sights high!

I can see I'm not wanted anymore.  :(

Offline Ley-Ley

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Re: Christmas Party
« Reply #74 on: December 04, 2008, 15:13:06 »
'You crowd' is what you said and by that I took it you mean't Inner City Dublinners. Yes, we are a race of our own, I like to think of us as an Aryan race because we are that good.

I can't help the drinking problem, they keep offering. It's so easy.!!

Oh and your Rivers are better so I'll go to them.