Author Topic: Advanced White-Water skills and safety/Level 5 Training.  (Read 31976 times)

Offline rog

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Advanced White-Water skills and safety/Level 5 Training.
« on: January 28, 2009, 14:59:55 »
Hey Guys,
    I'm thinking of organising a 2 day paddling course aimed at those paddlers in the club who have achieved their Level 4 ICU proficiency, have since been paddling a while, and as a result, are paddling at a level a certain amount higher then that which is demonstrated for the Level 4 assessment.
Depending on interest and numbers this could simply take the form of ICU Level 5 training, or if people would rather go for something slightly, shall we say less intense, I could organise something like an advanced White-Water skills/safety weekend, on, at the very least Annamoe at a very high level, or the Dargle or something around that kind of level. It would be run by, availability wise, kipper, Dave Carroll, etc.

So if people could post up, or pm me their interest, and their interest in what kind of training, then when/if I get a good idea of numbers i'll look into organising an instructor and a weekend.

It'll be difficult to get appropriate water levels and a suitable instructor for the same weekend so, before I even start looking into instructors I need interest and numbers.

Cheers guys, Roger.

Offline Sara

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Re: Advanced White-Water skills and safety/Level 5 Training.
« Reply #1 on: January 28, 2009, 15:03:22 »
Wow roger this sounds pretty damn super! While I dont think i'd be quite up to level 5 standard i'd love to either do the training course or an advanced White-Water skills/safety weekend. This is a class Idea and I really hope it gets off the ground so if you need any help organisation wise do let me know.


Offline JODY

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Re: Advanced White-Water skills and safety/Level 5 Training.
« Reply #2 on: January 28, 2009, 15:12:24 »
Wow i was only joking when i asked about level 5 skills a while back... but i'm always up for (& in need of) a bit of training.

You can count me in if this goes ahead & is not waaaaaaaaaay beyond my capabilities   :) 

Offline Matt

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Re: Advanced White-Water skills and safety/Level 5 Training.
« Reply #3 on: January 28, 2009, 15:22:04 »
I'd definitely be interested in this, I just have to do the level 4 assessment.

Offline fityounggranny

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Re: Advanced White-Water skills and safety/Level 5 Training.
« Reply #4 on: January 28, 2009, 16:31:58 »
I might be completely wrong on this but i thought level 5 proficiency assesments are usually carried out in the French Alps.
Partly due to guarenteed water, but also because the rivers are harder.

A level 5 proficiency has to be done on a level 4 river. which the Annamoe, even in huge water, is not, maybe jacksons, but that is only 1 rapid!

Having said all that im still waiting on the level 4, so hmmmph!

Offline Mark

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Re: Advanced White-Water skills and safety/Level 5 Training.
« Reply #5 on: January 28, 2009, 16:58:44 »
Clarkey it's training rather than an assessment. Level 5 Assessments are carried out in Ireland also.

Anywho, I would be be really interested in doing such a course Roger.

Offline rog

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Re: Advanced White-Water skills and safety/Level 5 Training.
« Reply #6 on: January 28, 2009, 17:24:11 »
I might be completely wrong on this but i thought level 5 proficiency assesments are usually carried out in the French Alps.
Partly due to guarenteed water, but also because the rivers are harder.

A level 5 proficiency has to be done on a level 4 river. which the Annamoe, even in huge water, is not, maybe jacksons, but that is only 1 rapid!

Your right there clarky, If I got enough people interested in running a L5 training, It would have to wait until the dargle was up, it wouldn't be run on the annamoe,

as for a general white-water skills/safety course, i think annamoe in big water would be just about sufficient

But ultimately, I suppose it would depend on what the instructor running whatever course it may be wanted to run it on
« Last Edit: January 28, 2009, 17:31:42 by ska-child »

Offline Monkey Loving Bob

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Re: Advanced White-Water skills and safety/Level 5 Training.
« Reply #7 on: January 28, 2009, 21:44:31 »
Wow Rog, this is a seriously impressive development! If any such course were to go ahead I'd be very interested in attending. One thing I would suggest - don't limit yourself, find a willing and apporpriate instructor (and a back up), then let them take care of the details such as date and location - they're the ones with the experience of running similar courses.

Any help I can give you is there man.


Offline Brendino

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Re: Advanced White-Water skills and safety/Level 5 Training.
« Reply #8 on: January 28, 2009, 22:16:35 »
I'd be interested in a course like this provided I'm available for the weekend. I need to brush up on everything.  ::)

Offline I'm From You

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Re: Advanced White-Water skills and safety/Level 5 Training.
« Reply #9 on: January 29, 2009, 10:09:48 »
Yeah I might be up for this too if it's going. Good work Roger.

Offline kjt

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Re: Advanced White-Water skills and safety/Level 5 Training.
« Reply #10 on: January 29, 2009, 11:28:23 »
I'd definitely be interested in this, I just have to do the level 4 assessment.

Offline JODY

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Offline Sick Boy

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Re: Advanced White-Water skills and safety/Level 5 Training.
« Reply #12 on: February 01, 2009, 15:10:02 »
well then roger and i makes 4.

Offline rog

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Re: Advanced White-Water skills and safety/Level 5 Training.
« Reply #13 on: February 01, 2009, 21:55:44 »
Ok guys, looks like I have the numbers and Interest in both of the stated courses.

I'm thinking at the moment of Trying to organise L5 training for the weekend before varsities, i.e. saturday the 14th and sunday the 15th of Feb, and running the Advanced WW course for the weekend after varsities, saturday the 28th of Feb and sunday the 1st of March.

The way I see it, two groups could be arranged.

Level 5 Training : Sarah Hayden, Mark Ahern, John Flannagin, Conor Croke, Brendino.
5 Is too many for the ratios but i'll figure something out.

Advanced WW safety and rescue course: Mathew Enright, Louise Clark, Jody and Kyle.

Also to consider are the following issues:

- If i've put someone in a group and they'd prefer to be in the other group just give me a shout and i'll sort something out.
- Accomodation, would people like accomodation to be booked for the saturday night somewhere in wicklow for this course?

If anyone has any other issues that i'm not thinking of please let me know.

If the L5 dates suit everybody i will begin to make calls to instructors in the next few days so could people please let me know, cheers guys.


Offline JODY

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Re: Advanced White-Water skills and safety/Level 5 Training.
« Reply #14 on: February 01, 2009, 22:34:35 »
Hey Rog,
The weekend after varsities doesnt really suit me, any chance of another weekend? (the weekend before varsities is out 2 though, got the final day of my Rec 3  :-\)

What would the 2 seperate courses cover? I know you mightnt have figured this out yet but it would be good to know in advance  :)

Thank you  :-*