Author Topic: to kerry or not to kerry?  (Read 44992 times)

Offline allio

  • Posts: 437
Re: to kerry or not to kerry?
« Reply #75 on: January 28, 2009, 15:33:59 »
as i said before, i'm all for considering alternatives, providing they tick the boxes etc....

inch is the most obvious example of an alternative in the region... almost identical location to rossbeigh (directly opposite ross on the dingle peninsula), equivalent distance from killarney, surf beach yada yada yada.

immediately jumps out off google
100 m to beach, 100 m to pub, 8 holiday homes, 350euros for week of new years each sleeping 6, 4 star,
sounds pretty similar to the ross inn and cottages... only the houses look a lot nicer from the photo's. i'd imagine if we booked all eight at the same time, you'd get them for 300/wk each...
+ 353 66 9158118

other properties on
mentions something about sammys bar?

might be worth a call, find out the name of the bar and call them? check on availability? how busy is the bar at new years? possibility of booking all the houses... other properties in the immediate area etc etc... explain what we bring to the area, potentially up to 100 people for the week of new years, a traditionally slow business period... make sure the bar is open over the new years period.... etc etc etc

anybody fancy looking onto it? i'm not going to do it from the UK...

Offline RichyG

  • Posts: 3
Re: to kerry or not to kerry?
« Reply #76 on: January 29, 2009, 15:29:41 »

It's hard to do from the UK!

I suppose my big experiance with the last move is that rather than just talking about a change, you have to come up with a viable alternative and sell it to everyone so that everyone is more or less happy.  The only thing really wrong with Rossbeigh is the price of the houses so it's always going to be a hard sell.

But sure no harm in having a look and sure if you can't find any place better you can always stay put!

Offline Amanda

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Re: to kerry or not to kerry?
« Reply #77 on: January 29, 2009, 18:36:04 »
UCC have had there fresher weekend in Inch for the past 3 years. There are two pubs close to the beach which usually only one is open depending on the mood neither were open this year, but that could be fixed with some orginisation. The other pub is rather far away.
We have also found the the holiday villege has been increasing prices year on year and probably won't be returning.

The main problem with inch is it is actually rather hard to get in and out of without a car and u still end up on the lower carragh with fresher anyhow anyhow which is now far away.

But with a lot of people and orginisation these wouldn't be that great of a problem.

I would rather stay were we are but have it come cheeper.

Offline Sick Boy

  • Posts: 1,536
Re: to kerry or not to kerry?
« Reply #78 on: January 30, 2009, 13:42:02 »
people keep talking about negotiations with some of teh major property owners in the area. have you guys talked to these people? i have, i had a few dealings with them this year and to say the least my experience was less than pleasant. i was aboused and threatende with the police, granted i wasnt compleetly faultless at the time but in the end they took responsibility and i got no appology for the torrent of abuse i recieved. try to negotiate if you like but i think that the person in question is just plain unreasonable.

i havent wanted to suggest any where earlier in this thread bacused i wanted to see what people thought of the idea in general first. even if the people in inch are increasing their prices id very much doubt if they are going to be as expensive as rossbeigh.

as much as anything else im looking at this form a club point of view. it is all very well to have a nice house year in year out and say that you dont want to move beacuse the location is savage. have you guys and girls tried to look at this form the point of view of the peope who stay in a club house and cant get any where nice to stay, or even some where where you are just not getting ripped off? personally i wont be affected by this next year, i think i have done my time in the club house at this stage. other people how ever will be staying in teh club house and try to have some consideration for them .

other people have mentioned boycotting the iceboxes that is all well and good but there arent enough other places that will take us.

sure we get away with alot of stuff in kerry late pub opening and... well what else do we get away with? dancing on the tables in the pub i guess but we do spend loads of money in there. there is no one else in the pub and we dont do any real dammage to the place. at the same time we get treated like shit (by some of the property owners). charged extorishionist rates on both the houses and electricity. i think it is time we got some more common courtesy form the locals and i think leaving them with, what say €10,000 + ,out of their local economy might just get them to have some cop on.


p.s.geeze i didtn realise i have written so much, if only it was about the use of PDAs for viewing madical images id be on to a winner. oh ya thats what i came back to say, the cahils will more than likely be back in the ross next year but not deffiniatly so. 

« Last Edit: January 30, 2009, 13:50:55 by cian »

Offline halfnakedJimi

  • Posts: 107
Re: to kerry or not to kerry?
« Reply #79 on: January 30, 2009, 18:20:53 »
lets not kid ourselves, we are let into the pub untill 5 in the morning because they enjoy the opportunity to take our money till 5 in the morning. The whole point of moving the location of Kerry is to show them that it is they that are onto a good thing with us, and that they should treat us as such. I personally think that given a year of not having our "Kayaking Money" in their back pockets will make them change their tune and realise that a drop in price will lead to secure profits in the future

Offline annie nuigkc

  • Posts: 56
Re: to kerry or not to kerry?
« Reply #80 on: January 30, 2009, 19:09:06 »
If you want to try negotiating with them again I'd suggest getting some reasonable and responsible-sounding senior type who doesn't come across as a typical student (preferably staff... have you any staff members?) - I find it works better for some things here anyhow.

Personally if it's Kerry next year, I'm going to book a reasonably-priced, non-icebox, maybe in Glenbeigh. I'll make no mention of kayaking - hopefully it'll be a non-issue and it will get booked under an individual name not a club name. Give the owner my office number and hope she assumes it's for a group of professionals. Party-proof the house, remove the TVs and non-essential breakables and so on. Dedicate the last day to making sure the place is as it was when we arrived and hope noone is plain stupid enough to do non-repairable damage. Say thank you very much, and hopefully be allowed back the following year.

By the way, there are newish holiday homes in Glenbeigh that could well take you. Someone would want to get cracking on an alternative (Inch?) if the plan is to plug it at Varsities like was done for Castlegregory but I guess there will be other events to do that anyhow.