Author Topic: Sunday 7th December: Helping fellow paddlers in distress  (Read 20999 times)

Offline Greg

  • Posts: 48
Sunday 7th December: Helping fellow paddlers in distress
« on: December 01, 2003, 15:16:35 »
Rescue Day:  this is a day of skills for paddlers who would be aspiring canoeists with at least one year’s experience of canoeing.  For those who like to assess paddling ability by means of ICU certs it is for those who think they are levels 3 or above, but who have not done their level 4 kayak proficiency cert.  The format is pretty open, and all suggestions will be welcomed and accommodated where possible.  The basic format is laid out below.

One important point, do not turn up if you do not want to get wet…

This is not definitive:

·   Different types of rescue
·   Responsibility of swimmer/rescuer
·   Taking care of swimmer
·   Emptying boat
·   Keeping control of equipment while rescuing

·   Equipment necessary…
·   When to… & How to…
·   Practice

Throw ropes
·   Different throwing techniques
·   How to receive
·   Where to throw from…

Look at:
·   Unconscious rescues
·   River Crossing
·   Situation Management… when to/when not to?

We will have a special luncheon lecture on Grade 5 defensive swimming from Jim “inappropriate boat” Kennedy and his side kick “Officer” Mahony, two of Ireland leading exponents of the activity.

Offline Greg

  • Posts: 48
« Reply #1 on: December 01, 2003, 15:35:58 »
If you would like to come on Sunday contact me, either via email at or 086 3130242

Offline fergal

  • Posts: 15
Sunday 7th December: Helping fellow paddlers in distress
« Reply #2 on: December 01, 2003, 15:52:13 »
Fergal here, co-founder of "The Jim Kennedy Experience Ltd."

Unfortunately neither myself or Jim can make it, we are off making our new video "Trees are your Friend" with Sushi

However, our newest employees, PP Power, Cormac and Carlito will be there to guide u in the defensive swimming course.

But what about experience u may ask!!

Not a problem, these guys have swam far and wide, all over many continents  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

Offline Brendino

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Sunday 7th December: Helping fellow paddlers in distress
« Reply #3 on: December 01, 2003, 16:01:44 »
It seems that the speed of light is now the second fastest thing in the world after the speed of ABUSE. How come physists didn't inform us of this change in the laws of the universe?

Offline Cheesy

  • Posts: 96
Sunday 7th December: Helping fellow paddlers in distress
« Reply #4 on: December 01, 2003, 16:01:52 »
hey got my level 2 and think i'm almost level 3.
but i guess you guys decied that.
anyway intresed in coiming along, will ot be to advanced for me?

Offline meabh

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Sunday 7th December: Helping fellow paddlers in distress
« Reply #5 on: December 02, 2003, 11:02:58 »
hey ya, i'm in. not that i need practice at swimming i got lots of that but the other stuff sounds useful. still hoping to get a place on the REC 3 course but if i don't ill go with you guys.

where is it on?


Offline cormac

  • Posts: 326
Sunday 7th December: Helping fellow paddlers in distress
« Reply #6 on: December 02, 2003, 11:09:29 »
Employees my ass!

We have opened a rival company to TJKE Ltd, and as you say we are multinational!

Yes, bow down before the might of

I Don't Remember That Being There, Inc.

Offline claire

  • Posts: 183
Sunday 7th December: Helping fellow paddlers in distress
« Reply #7 on: December 02, 2003, 11:28:17 »
who specialise in "finding the easy line" for others!  :P

Offline cormac

  • Posts: 326
Sunday 7th December: Helping fellow paddlers in distress
« Reply #8 on: December 02, 2003, 11:57:59 »
Yes, we do a very thorough evaluation for our clients.  

We show you everywhere you could possibly swim.



Offline bambi

  • Posts: 105
Sunday 7th December: Helping fellow paddlers in distress
« Reply #9 on: December 02, 2003, 11:59:46 »
i'd definately like to go but does anybody know what time we'll be back at cos i got work at about 5 ( though i could prob be a bit late!)?

Offline eoghanp

  • Posts: 322
Sunday 7th December: Helping fellow paddlers in distress
« Reply #10 on: December 02, 2003, 12:25:05 »
i really wanna go to (cos i really want to set up a z-drag it was so much fun towing benny's van when we did the level 4 training i want to do it again) but i also gotta get back to go to work that night

Offline Greg

  • Posts: 48
« Reply #11 on: December 02, 2003, 12:52:22 »
Guys the trips this sat and sun are going to use cars not a bus, so if you have access to a car  and a roof rack and are interested in coming along please let me know, also if anyone has questions or is interested contact me by email or phone, dont post here as I am not on this board enough to promptly respond... althoguh it may appear that way sometimes.

In terms of times, you want to finish early we can start early...

I would propose 10am meeting at the boathouse on Sat and Sun, finishing on the river about 2-3pm on Sat and 3-4pm on Sun.

Offline Greg

  • Posts: 48
Anyone Intending
« Reply #12 on: December 02, 2003, 15:37:31 »
Anyone intending on going should contact me so that i can ensure we have transport arranged for you.



Eoin...I think

  • Guest
Sunday 7th December: Helping fellow paddlers in distress
« Reply #13 on: December 02, 2003, 16:03:02 »
Hey Greg, think you've been asked this already many times but can't find it on the message board so apologies for the head-wreck!

Is the Saturday trip you're talking about seperate from the normal club trip, i.e. is the usual club trip on as well along with bus transport?

Anyone else who can answer this too please feel free to do so! (as Greg already mentioned he aint here often)  Cheers.  :)

Offline Greg

  • Posts: 48
I do not know
« Reply #14 on: December 02, 2003, 17:21:08 »
I would please ask a local committee rep to answer this question.  I do not know myself for sure.  All I know is that my activities are not part and will not be part of any club river trip.  I do not have the time available on Saturday for a full day UCDCC trip and Sunday is being organised on the basis of the feedback from the intermediate/level 3/junior rescue/whatever labels you use, paddlers who attended the static trip on the LIffey two weeks ago.  
