Author Topic: KERRY 09/10  (Read 121605 times)

Offline clarec

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Re: KERRY 09/10
« Reply #255 on: January 14, 2010, 14:41:59 »
Eh.... I was clearly talking about Rachel, thus me quoting her....

Lol we appreciate the story though  ey kyle?

No in fairness to Rachel and Robyn, Rachel had shit to do, Robyn was being a rockstar, Carla and Meghan were just being ledgends...  As for everyone else...
Although I suppose Clare Cryan gets away with it, just about, cause i shook her as hard as i could and shouted in the general direction of her ear "GET UP GET OUT GO BOWLING", and she somehow managed to move the hood of her sleeping back so she could glare at me with one eye for about a second, and that passed out again...
and maryanne, kind of gets away with it, as she seemed almost as broken as clare cryan...
Lol broken broken bodies...

i think you actually looked frightened rog, was it really that bad?

Offline kmck

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Re: KERRY 09/10
« Reply #256 on: January 14, 2010, 15:05:45 »
He's a physicist, he's worried when you observe him that you will collapse the waveform.

Offline rog

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Re: KERRY 09/10
« Reply #257 on: January 14, 2010, 15:54:06 »
He's a physicist, he's worried when you observe him that you will collapse the waveform.

Not bad mckevit...

But in response to clares question... Yes, yes it was that bad, if not worse!!! Besides u told me after u didn't even know who i was at the time... !!!

Offline Rachel

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Re: KERRY 09/10
« Reply #258 on: January 14, 2010, 18:22:38 »
Eh.... I was clearly talking about Rachel, thus me quoting her....

Lol we appreciate the story though  ey kyle?

No in fairness to Rachel and Robyn, Rachel had shit to do, Robyn was being a rockstar, Carla and Meghan were just being ledgends...  As for everyone else...
Although I suppose Clare Cryan gets away with it, just about, cause i shook her as hard as i could and shouted in the general direction of her ear "GET UP GET OUT GO BOWLING", and she somehow managed to move the hood of her sleeping back so she could glare at me with one eye for about a second, and that passed out again...
and maryanne, kind of gets away with it, as she seemed almost as broken as clare cryan...
Lol broken broken bodies...

I actually love this description of Clare, wish I had seen it! So funny, made me laugh lots!!

Offline Bill C

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Re: KERRY 09/10
« Reply #259 on: January 15, 2010, 16:53:44 »

Ah, the 'aul UCD Bowling Club, I'd almost forgotten!

Offline Carla!

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Re: KERRY 09/10
« Reply #260 on: April 01, 2010, 21:58:30 »
WOW "cock or balls" is such a wide spread game, i was with some lads from university of ulster and they were playing it (although they have a different name). i have a feeling this is really gona become the new fad game to play, like ultimate frisbee or something. they will eventually develop leagues and clubs for dedicated players of the "cock or balls" game at the rate its fame is spreading...

seeing numerous cocks and balls the last few days reminded me of aengus...

Offline rog

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Re: KERRY 09/10
« Reply #261 on: April 02, 2010, 05:47:21 »
But aengus is so predictable, its always balls, unless he chances his arm and goes for balls, what were these lads ball/cock habbits like? Was it easy to figure out?

Offline Carla!

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Re: KERRY 09/10
« Reply #262 on: April 02, 2010, 12:47:58 »
But aengus is so predictable, its always balls, unless he chances his arm and goes for balls, what were these lads ball/cock habbits like? Was it easy to figure out?
they were similar, it always seemed to be balls. it must be a global habit. someone needs to stand up and change this discrimination against the cock

Offline Ley-Ley

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Re: KERRY 09/10
« Reply #263 on: April 02, 2010, 19:47:05 »
Yeah that's great and interesting, it's not like Kerry was 3 months ago, no, screw you Carla.