Boats and Gear > Lost and Found

I lost items in Kerry (shirley's post should be called found items from Kerry)

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thanks ley ley. finchy that sort of IS the point of this thread pet. lol. eejit. plus didnt u have ur snowsports hoodie in the icebox on the last night??

Lost a light green UCD Quinn School of Business ILTG Hoody. Took it off in the pub and couldn't find it that night. Wasn't in the pub in the morning.


--- Quote from: Fuzzy on January 05, 2010, 23:01:12 ---Lost a light green UCD Quinn School of Business ILTG Hoody.

--- End quote ---

Its all right, everyone hates ILTG. No one will want to keep that


--- Quote from: Ley-Ley on January 05, 2010, 11:42:47 ---Lost a black and grey beanie hat. Grey design on the front right.

--- End quote ---

never give up searching ley maddies folks!!  ;) :D

i lost fluffy socks with multicoloured spots on them! tear!

i think there were spotty socks on the radiator in the icebox?

hmmm where to start..
pink and orange towel
white towel
cream hat with a big bobble
meabhs white and blue hat
blue zippy hoodie
probably a hell of a lot more stuff that i haven't realised is actually missing

oh and meabh managed to come away with an extra gear bag in the car as well as her own... presume it probably belongs to someone who was staying in glenbeigh?
75l palm dry bag
palm deck
astral buoyancy aid with a casio watch strapped to it...?



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