Boats and Gear > Lost and Found

I lost items in Kerry (shirley's post should be called found items from Kerry)

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Karen: the splits are around, probably in the boathouse. We found them on the last day and sent them up, possibly in Eoinor's, but the are around somewhere.

clare maryanne has your hat and i remember seeing some of your stuff in the L&F bag too. any sign of my wetsuit in the boathouse today ley?

Clare we found out about the bag when she left, they are mine and Caoimhe should take care of it. If they are still in your house at the weekend could you drop them down to Caoimhe's house in nutgrove please.
Meabh.... grrrr my best boancy!


--- Quote from: Robyn on January 06, 2010, 19:27:19 ---clare maryanne has your hat and i remember seeing some of your stuff in the L&F bag too. any sign of my wetsuit in the boathouse today ley?

--- End quote ---
My ankle is fecked and the weather was too bad to get out. If I can I'll try and get out tomorrow.

what did u do to your ankle? and dont worry about it its just whenever you're there like


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