It's time to get planning people! A few of us are putting together a rough summer plan, so who's interested?!?!?
So far,
Everyone - 1st- 15th June
A week before and after level 4 paddlers might bum around for a while!
Who can come?
We'd love to say everyone, but sadly it's just not possible. Everyone who wants to come needs, by the time we leave, a confident roll and be able to run a grade 3 river happily. This means Annamoe-ish level. But don't worry if you haven't got that yet, we have time so don't be put off!
To keep it managable, we gotta limit numbers, so 12ish people max. That's 4 cars.
How will we get there?
Le ferry! Awesome craic last year, but it means driving.
Where would we be staying?
We would either be camping, or hopefully, renting a chalet! It would be as cheap as possile, we're all students/unemployed.
Find out more!
There's a talk on Wednesday, about our trip last year what we hope to do this time around!
Whoever is interested pop your name down here.
Disclaimer All plans posted here are provisional and subject to change.