Author Topic: Kerry the low down  (Read 12025 times)

Offline kmck

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Kerry the low down
« on: December 19, 2003, 15:16:13 »
The club has two houses in glenbeigh
The cost for the house this year is 15 euro a night this includes food.
If you are travelling down on the 27 do not come to the houses stay in the pub in glenbeigh and call either Andy or myself to get directions and the all clear for coming. This important as although the people are generally nice; clubs are not welcome as they have a history of thrashing the places

Rules of the houses
1 Keep all gear in bedrooms if leaving the house even if your on the floor
2 Clean all dinner and breakfast stuff
3 There will be a book if you are taking any gear even for a club trip.
4 enjoy yourself, drink loads paddle tons and score if you can.
Reasons for these is that the owners can call in at anytime!!!!! and if they see clean house = happy people

We will give preference to freshers on the houses if there is a shortage or we get given out too for to many people.
The rest of you are big and ugly enough to take care of yourselves :lol:

Other info buy drink before you get to glenbeigh
At this moment in time I believe the only bank machine is in killorglan so
spend wisely. And we will run some cash runs.