Author Topic: polo friday 1st october, who'll be there?? do we need to train before???  (Read 9634 times)

Offline colmnolan

  • Posts: 86
division 4 and div 5 polo start on friday 1st of october.
that means us.
i think we've 2 teams registered so we need 8 people to go.
ill be there its on in St. Joseph's Swimming Pool, Navan Rd. Cabra

we need to bring ICU numbers on the first night and we have to pay 175 per team on the first night......

Offline Ley-Ley

  • Committee 10/11
  • Posts: 1,986
  • Banana Officer
I don't have an ICU number this year I don't think but yeah I'll go!!

Offline Maryanne

  • Captain 12/13
  • Posts: 3,120
I'll be there on Friday, possible driving +could then give lifts
HOWEVER I don't really know how to play, but I'll learn as fast as possible!
I checked the DCPL website, there's no timetable for tomorrow (looks like arriving at seven would be safe enough though)

     The div 4 team Dodder Rats has: Nuala, Matt, Niall, Colm, Mark, Eoghan, Dave, Leighton and me
The div 2 team UCD has Niall, Eoghan, Leighton, Nuala and me.

We're going to need to sort out two different lists, is everyone going to the pool and pub after tonight? Polo meeting! Matt Flood will be there with explainable plays...

Offline colmnolan

  • Posts: 86
email i got

Hi Folks,
Here is the timetable for Divisions 4 & 5, this Friday 1st October.
Duty teams for the night are: Wukkin Furries (19:00 to 20:42) and 
Rollovers (20:42 to end of night).
19:12       Dodder Rats      v   Average Joes
19:30       Wukkin Furries   v   Nappies & Paddles
19:48       Minnows      v   Repeat Offenders
20:06       WW Stingrays   v   Rollovers
20:24       Pirates      v   Average Joes
20:42       UCD         v   Wukkin Furries
21:00       Repeat Offenders   v   Dodder Rats
21:18       Rollovers      v   Nappies & Paddles
21:36       Pirates      v   Minnows
21:54       UCD         v   WW Stingrays
All boats must be brought in and out through the doors at the end of 
the pool and may no longer be brought through the front door.
Best Regards,

Offline Nuala

  • Posts: 1,022
Remember with any scheduling that I can't play for the next few weeks. Good luck!

Offline Matt Flood

  • Committee 11/12
  • Posts: 342
emphasis to people tonight that 8 players are needed for polo!!!!!!!!!  :o

Offline Tiny Tim

  • Committee 10/11
  • Posts: 890
  • Ickle Dave
how about training on wednesday evenings?

Offline Mark

  • Posts: 854
Yo, if anyone needs a lift (from ucd or there and there abouts) let me know.