Author Topic: Taking a completely inexperienced kayaker down itanda in a tandem........  (Read 10330 times)

Offline Simon R.

  • Posts: 876
this is a video from the video boater in uganda

he said "this seamed like a good idea at the time but maybe it was not. At least the video is funny as hell."

try and listen to the conversation its fucking gas. Looks like they ran the entire thing!

Offline rog

  • Ginger Giant
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haha that's gas, for some reason u can't help but laugh at the whole thing... The poor girl's shittin herself, looks like she's gonna pass out from the fear at a few stages, then she just says "oh my god" about a million times.. haah

Offline Simon R.

  • Posts: 876
"promise me were going to make it......."

i can understand how she feels the fucking thing is gigantic.

Offline Maryanne

  • Captain 12/13
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Hehehehe...oh dear, she's fine at the end, so it's ok to laugh!

Reminds me of a certain bike ride I had recently, two people, four bags, one helmet and a racer...
"Please stop! Oh my God, please go slower! Can we stop? I want to get off. Oh God, that ramp is huge! Don't hit the ramp! Go slower! I'm falling off! Oh, please stop...I don't like bikes"
I just told Mark to man up.

Offline finch

  • Committee 10/11
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Haha love it - Now we just need to bring our Freshers down something really bad over here  ;)

Offline Mark

  • Posts: 854
Well i broke my creeker, and I can't just go in the duo on my own...

Don't worry about the fact that I broke my creeker. I'm sure it has no bearing on what will or won't happen in the duo.  It is however worth noting that there may be a small gap in level between myself and Anton Immler.
« Last Edit: September 27, 2010, 18:34:07 by Mark »

Offline Ley-Ley

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Yeah, Anton Immler has nothing on you Mark, how many times have you run Jacksons?

Offline kmck

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All I can say is wow! I think I would be like that going through that in a duo or any type of boat.

Offline Eoghan

  • Captain 11/12
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well it's really just a case of measuring what you've got, throwing it over your shoulder and doing it! We learnt this in the Alpes from the wisdom  :o of Mark and Simon. Most of us did pretty well...

Rodge was found wanting once or twice.... Don't mention it though, he gets pretty defensive!  ;)  8)

Offline Tiny Tim

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thats not grade 2, THAT IS NOT GRADE 2!!!!! ha ha ha ha pure class!!!

Offline kjt

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Bwuahaha nice find, that was awesome

"I have no spit in my mouth, I think I may cry"

I love the bit where she shouts back at him "I AM PADDLING" and he arms are just flailing all over the place skimming the water.