Hi guys varsities is just 4 weeks away so that means
LETS GET TRAINING!!!!!So the plan, now thats a bit brighter, is to go for a
FRIDAY AT HALF 1 on our lovely local section of the dodder.
Slightly better forward paddling technique can hugely increase your speed, which is vital in every event of varsities. Improving your stamina can only be a good thing.... especially if your working on the beach bod for the summer

Whats more therell be some fun folk around to make the banter eh... banterful...
This will be a perfect opportunity for anyone who hasnt been out in a while, or ever, or is a little nervous as its a very easy strech of river. so come along!!!
To summarise:
Friday 1:30 at the boathouse, banter!!!!
Sign up below if youd like to come along!
Any problems, queeries or sweet nothings you'd like to whisper in my ear, just give me a shout on 0876612534.
kuggs and hisses,