Author Topic: Dodder Slalom and Polo  (Read 8266 times)

Offline Nuala

  • Posts: 1,022
Dodder Slalom and Polo
« on: February 02, 2011, 18:33:52 »
We had some lines set up last year for slalom and polo pitches on the Dodder that got cut down when fishing season started. As it's now getting brighter and slightly warmer it could be worth trying to put them back up again for evening (or other time of the day) sessions.

We could set it up so that we just used ropes and they could be taken down in between sessions to minimize the likelihood of them being cut down.

Fishing season starts on the 17th of March. I think putting the lines up should only take an hour or two. When suits?

Offline Maryanne

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Re: Dodder Slalom and Polo
« Reply #1 on: February 02, 2011, 23:16:50 »
That could spice up the Friday sessions a bit, slalom gates are really fun! <-link

How about this Friday?
There'll be people meeting at the boathouse around 13:30 as it is, if we did it around then (14:30 in my case) there could be a few extra hands!

The slalom gates are all hanging neatly in the boathouse, two of them may need a little TLC (replacing a clip/leg/dangly bit) but then they'd be good to go! There's even been a little bit of sneaky dead branch and fallen tree removal since last time!

Offline Douchier

  • Posts: 360
Re: Dodder Slalom and Polo
« Reply #2 on: February 03, 2011, 00:44:52 »
I can be there at about 3.30
Will people still be about?

Offline Carla!

  • Committee 10/11
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Re: Dodder Slalom and Polo
« Reply #3 on: February 03, 2011, 09:07:00 »
i can help out but not until after 3

Offline Nuala

  • Posts: 1,022
Re: Dodder Slalom and Polo
« Reply #4 on: February 03, 2011, 17:53:39 »
I won't be around tomorrow. But if you have the people go ahead.

I had no clear design in mind but I think it should be set up so that it
- can be taken down on at least one side and hung up in the tree or taken away completely so it won't get cut down.
- there is enough slack left so it can be put up from the water.
- it can be tightened once put up so the goals are at the same height.

You can find the trees we used last time because the remains of the wires are still there. There's a wire cutters in the boathouse that you can use to cut them down.