Author Topic: training for that level... you know the one after 2 but before 4.....  (Read 24853 times)

Offline Tiny Tim

  • Committee 10/11
  • Posts: 890
  • Ickle Dave
Thats right guys its level 3 training!!!

I texted people earlier but ill post here too.
So who would fancy doing some level 3 training over the break? It would be a two day course but what days would suit you? If you could shout some days at me before saturday evening, so i could get to work at making it happen, that would be great.
Post hear or give me a shout if youve a problem or queries,
Dave 0876612534.

Offline clarec

  • Committee 10/11
  • Posts: 315
Savage... level 5 yeah?

I am interested of course, but not sure about dates, might just try and work around it once it's been decided...?


Offline Eoghan

  • Captain 11/12
  • Posts: 2,727
Jer should do this...

Offline micheal h

  • Posts: 21
I'm interested! I'm free all next week  :D  :) so pick any day and I'll be there.....hopefully

Offline Rachel

  • Posts: 263
Ok I'm not free on wednesdays or on Saturday 12th. Apart from that I should be free. =)

Offline Carla!

  • Committee 10/11
  • Posts: 1,002
free most days :-)

Offline Gareth

  • Posts: 74
Yeah man i'd like to give it go.

Offline Livia

  • Posts: 280
I'm interested! Just give me the date and time :)

Offline Carla!

  • Committee 10/11
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i can do any date really... preferably not the 13th or the 19th/20th BUT if those days suited everyone its cool

Offline Jon F

  • Posts: 28
yeah i can do most dates

Offline Rachel

  • Posts: 263
What's the story with this? I need to plan my midterm...!

Offline Maryanne

  • Captain 12/13
  • Posts: 3,120
Based on the dates that have been ruled out in this thread, the possible days are:

11  12   14    15   17   18

The 17th is Paddy's day, so that might have plans made already.
Other than that, everyone in the thread said they were free the other days, so whichever suits yourself Dave.
Nick Prendergast said he was interested too - I think he's in Madrid on a class trip at the moment though.
Hope that's helpful!
« Last Edit: March 11, 2011, 16:26:59 by Maryanne.D »

Offline Ley-Ley

  • Committee 10/11
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  • Banana Officer
I could provide a bit of rescue if it was needed? Or moral support.

Offline finch

  • Committee 10/11
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Or just push people in......?? :P afro.gif

Offline Maryanne

  • Captain 12/13
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14    15   17   18

Kieran McKevitt is running a flatwater session on Saturday, it seems to overlap with a lot of the people interested here.
That leaves four days in the break.

The ICU had a L3 training course on this weekend that got cancelled due to lack of interest, if you guys are keen and (very) quick and the 7/8 of you rang up, you might be able to get that?
« Last Edit: March 11, 2011, 16:31:39 by Maryanne.D »