Author Topic: training for that level... you know the one after 2 but before 4.....  (Read 24833 times)

Offline Eoghan

  • Captain 11/12
  • Posts: 2,727
what would be the times on monday??

I'll be off skiing on friday  8)

Offline Maryanne

  • Captain 12/13
  • Posts: 3,120
MONDAY: Dave, Livia, Micheál, Jon, Carla, Finch(R), Eoghan(R)*
FRIDAY:   Dave, Livia, Micheál, Jon, Carla, Gareth, Leighton(R)

*depending what time

Both day's safety ratios are pretty sweet!
Based on the number of trainees who'd be attending, Friday wins 5-4.

Offline Rachel

  • Posts: 263
I can do either or both i guess

But if we're just picking one day I'd prefer friday
« Last Edit: March 13, 2011, 20:23:41 by Rachel »

Offline Tiny Tim

  • Committee 10/11
  • Posts: 890
  • Ickle Dave
Ideally a level 3 course would be 2 days so if i can get cars well do tomorrow and friday. If not lets go for friday and ill sort out a second day.

So if u can drive and would like to come along post up.

Offline Livia

  • Posts: 280
I'd like to do the L3 training, but I got no car  :(

and.. seems like to L3 today, due to lack of response!  :(
« Last Edit: March 14, 2011, 11:16:34 by Liv »

Offline Tiny Tim

  • Committee 10/11
  • Posts: 890
  • Ickle Dave
Alrighty gang were good to go for friday!!! Meet at the boathouse at 10. With the fact that youve done so much of the safety and rescue stuff with Keiran well be able to keep it to just one day. If you could just bring a few quid for petrol for the guys driving thatd be great.

Offline Eoghan

  • Captain 11/12
  • Posts: 2,727
sounds awesome... i'll be freezing to death in, forecasted,with a -17 degrees wind chill in austria... boo ya!

Offline Carla!

  • Committee 10/11
  • Posts: 1,002
cool- see you friday!

Offline Tiny Tim

  • Committee 10/11
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  • Ickle Dave
oh and dont forget to bring lunch with you, we'll be stopping on the river for a picnic!!!

Offline Gareth

  • Posts: 74
Thanks Dave and Leighton, was a great day out, I'm a bit sun burnt 2 :) Learnt loads.

Offline Carla!

  • Committee 10/11
  • Posts: 1,002
thanks! never seen the liffey look so picturesque!

Offline Livia

  • Posts: 280
That was a really great great day and I learnt heaps :D

Thanks Instructor Dave and Rescue Leighton! ;)