Author Topic: University Canoe Polo Leagues  (Read 23612 times)

Offline Matt Flood

  • Committee 11/12
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University Canoe Polo Leagues
« on: September 25, 2011, 15:34:53 »
Ahoy there fellow paddlers,
This is officially my first announcement as a UCDCC Committee member!  afro.gif
For those of you who don't know me, I'm Matt (a.k.a Coach), and I'm the training officer and coach of this clubs canoe polo teams.

Canoe polo is without doubt the best sport ever invented and that is my unbiased opinion  ;)... A lot of you won't know what the hell it is but you soon will (as I never shut up about it).

For those of you who do know what it is, who have seen/played a bit last year and who are interested in taking part again this year, this announcement is for you.

This year there will be a drive to form the first University Canoe Polo League. A drive undertaken by Elaine Toomey of UL and Rob Yeomans formerly of NUIG. The aim of the league is to provide a system where beginner players will get a chance to play the sport at a competitive (but friendly) level, against paddlers of their own ability/level in the run up to intervarsities. Intervarsities generally see's most colleges throwing out teams of ex-national players who just run amok. We are aiming to stop this and develop the sport from the ground up, hoping that future players may stem from this.

So, who is interested?  :D
The games will be held in other colleges so travel might be involved. It might break into a west and east league which would be easier for us all. The league will be run on specific nights from October until varsities, where each college would get about 4 games in a full size pitch.

We, the committee, have yet to discuss whether or not it is feasible for the club to take part. However, if the idea of a Uni Polo League tickles your fancy, post your names below.

That's all folks!  :)

Offline Matt Flood

  • Committee 11/12
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Re: University Canoe Polo Leagues
« Reply #1 on: October 05, 2011, 22:50:23 »
Right guys,
I went ahead and put our names down for the polo league. One of the new features is the possibility of an all girls team.

Some of you would be pretty savage in my opinion..... Just putting it out there.
Please say if you're interested or not.

Offline Karen

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Re: University Canoe Polo Leagues
« Reply #2 on: October 06, 2011, 19:32:42 »
I'd be up for the girls one if it goes ahead

Offline Livia

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Re: University Canoe Polo Leagues
« Reply #3 on: October 06, 2011, 21:51:33 »
GO GIRLS!!!   ^-^

Offline Tiny Tim

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Re: University Canoe Polo Leagues
« Reply #4 on: October 06, 2011, 22:12:11 »
i'd play on a girls team too, id totally get away with it...

Offline Gareth

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Re: University Canoe Polo Leagues
« Reply #5 on: October 06, 2011, 22:35:06 »
Put my name down Matt, last year was great fun   :D

Offline Diarmuid

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Re: University Canoe Polo Leagues
« Reply #6 on: October 07, 2011, 10:29:45 »
Im with tim dave on this...

Offline Carla!

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Re: University Canoe Polo Leagues
« Reply #7 on: October 07, 2011, 13:27:25 »
Right guys,
I went ahead and put our names down for the polo league. One of the new features is the possibility of an all girls team.

Some of you would be pretty savage in my opinion..... Just putting it out there.
Please say if you're interested or not.
matt you know my opinion on this... 8 girls, getting wet, and fighting....white rash vests for the team kit are a must!

Offline DervM

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Re: University Canoe Polo Leagues
« Reply #8 on: October 07, 2011, 14:36:33 »
Up for it.

Offline Maryanne

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Re: University Canoe Polo Leagues
« Reply #9 on: October 07, 2011, 16:08:38 »
Ah gwan so! I'm in.

Offline Matt Flood

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Re: University Canoe Polo Leagues
« Reply #10 on: October 07, 2011, 18:53:31 »
So I've told them we're putting in two teams.
One girls, one other.
At some point I would like to have one or both of the teams at wwkc for a training.


Especially for the girls team which will have more freshers on it (great to see their enthusiasm btw  :D).
So noone is to take it too seriously. The objective is to improve the paddler, not just the sport. This is why most people take up canoe polo in the first place.

Games should be between the Dublin Colleges. More info to come.

Thanks for listening. You stay classy UCDCC   ;)

Offline Eoghan

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Re: University Canoe Polo Leagues
« Reply #11 on: October 07, 2011, 20:47:52 »
So noone is to take it too seriously. The objective is to improve the paddler, not just the sport. This is why most people take up canoe polo in the first place.

is that because its not a real sport?  ;) ;D

ah no seriously great stuff guys! should be really good fun! i'll hopefully make it to one or two at least work dependant (as in - the girls team with dave and diarmuid)

Whats with a girls and other? thats seriously sexist! and Carla most freshers won't know you're a girl so they'll be thinking there's some guy in the club gonna come along to fulfill some sort of fantasy... :)

Offline Matt Flood

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Re: University Canoe Polo Leagues
« Reply #12 on: October 07, 2011, 23:34:39 »
IT. IS. A. REAL . SPORT!!!!!

The girls team will be made of girls and girls only.
The other team will be made up of all the previous polo players and others, again, paddlers who are looking to polish up their general boat skills why getting to bring the pain train -

« Last Edit: October 07, 2011, 23:37:31 by Matt Flood »

Offline Livia

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Re: University Canoe Polo Leagues
« Reply #13 on: October 08, 2011, 07:47:11 »
Lads, don't get the coach mad otherwise I have to bring him something from the Schalke 04 store to calm him down :P when I am coming over for Halloween.

Checked the online shop and how about something like this:  ^-^

Offline DervM

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Re: University Canoe Polo Leagues
« Reply #14 on: October 08, 2011, 09:49:06 »
I think you have to bring him that anyway, since you already linked it. Otherwise you're encouraging him to be mad at us  ???.