Ahoy there fellow paddlers,
This is officially my first announcement as a UCDCC Committee member!

For those of you who don't know me, I'm Matt (a.k.a Coach), and I'm the training officer and coach of this clubs canoe polo teams.
Canoe polo is without doubt the best sport ever invented and that is my
unbiased opinion

... A lot of you won't know what the hell it is but you soon will (as I never shut up about it).
For those of you who do know what it is, who have seen/played a bit last year and who are interested in taking part again this year, this announcement is for you.
This year there will be a drive to form the first University Canoe Polo League. A drive undertaken by Elaine Toomey of UL and Rob Yeomans formerly of NUIG. The aim of the league is to provide a system where beginner players will get a chance to play the sport at a competitive (but friendly) level, against paddlers of their own ability/level in the run up to intervarsities. Intervarsities generally see's most colleges throwing out teams of ex-national players who just run amok. We are aiming to stop this and develop the sport from the ground up, hoping that future players may stem from this.
So, who is interested?

The games will be held in other colleges so travel
might be involved. It might break into a west and east league which would be easier for us all. The league will be run on specific nights from October until varsities, where each college would get about 4 games in a full size pitch.
We, the committee, have yet to discuss whether or not it is feasible for the club to take part. However, if the idea of a Uni Polo League tickles your fancy, post your names below.
That's all folks!