Author Topic: Finally, the Safty talk that will explaine what you shouldn't swim towards on t  (Read 17305 times)

Offline david

  • Posts: 616
On tuesday the 21st Simon Barry & The Real Jim Kennedy will be giving a safety talk for all club members. this talk will unravel a lot of the mysteries of wicklow by explaining the dangers and how to avoid them. It will also be lots of fun.

It will be in the Arts block (foom No. to be confirmerd) arting at half 7ish and there will be a stonking boat house party afterwards.
Also if there's time afterwards jim has promised to teach us a few computor hacking skills at, no extra cost.

Ps, Bring your own beer....
« Last Edit: November 13, 2006, 12:03:47 by david »

Offline kjt

  • Posts: 2,010
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Ooohhh what type of hacking skillzzzzz?

lol and which one's the Art building?

Offline kmck

  • Posts: 4,529
  • "99"
Simple it is that big building beside the library, where the y is.

Offline Asho87

  • Posts: 2,516
  • If you were celery I'd stalk you.
Girls dig guys with skills....

Offline Diarmaid

  • Posts: 2,748
can someone teach me how to draw a liger?

Offline kmck

  • Posts: 4,529
  • "99"
Not a chance in hell. You will just perverted man beasts with such knowledge like a catwoman woth six breasts. That is just wrong and you know it.

Offline Diarmaid

  • Posts: 2,748
and that's supposed to be worse than the picture you veeted into your belly?

Offline kmck

  • Posts: 4,529
  • "99"
There is no picture just an itching feeling

Offline Diarmaid

  • Posts: 2,748
< insert veeto joke here >

Offline Sick Boy

  • Posts: 1,536
diarmaid look this way
its a liger

Offline kmck

  • Posts: 4,529
  • "99"
The rest of this post was removed to prevent boredom from the two of us making pointless jokes

Offline david

  • Posts: 616
My god,
How do you guys function????

Offline Sick Boy

  • Posts: 1,536
so i take it that we will be meeting at the yellow thing at half seven and going to a room from there.

this should be a good talk so anyone who can should come along. also as this is to be the first big club boat house party ie freshers and all, it will be great we might even be able to talk dearmaid into buying some http://club booze for it

Offline Asho87

  • Posts: 2,516
  • If you were celery I'd stalk you.
we gotta get a drinks licence if we wanna be boozing in the orts black.... we dont want another fiasco like what happened on the fresher of the year night last year now do we ;) :P

Offline kmck

  • Posts: 4,529
  • "99"
No I don't see why money should be wasted; on getting people wasted. We have gear to buy and boats. It's a canoe club not a drinking club. The drinking committee should use its massive resources to buy some beer. Most people can afford to buy their own, €7.50 for six cans of dutch and €20 for coke and vodka. Score an oldie they have plenty of cash to get you drunk.