Author Topic: Finally, the Safty talk that will explaine what you shouldn't swim towards on t  (Read 17293 times)

Offline Asho87

  • Posts: 2,516
  • If you were celery I'd stalk you.
i didnt know u hadda pay 4 a drinks licence... my bad.....

Offline Diarmaid

  • Posts: 2,748
You don't have to pay for a drinks licence but you do have to pay for booze and no, sorry, not this time. It's a simple matter for people to buy it themselves and realistically the club could fork out on a bunch of crates and there'd still only be two or three sneakies per person. One way or another, the club will not be spending so much money that you can get drunk for free. So if you want to go boozing, you may as well buy your own.

Also, I vaguely recall some fuss from the fresher of the year night last year about how you have to have your drinks reception in this one particular room before moving on to another room for your presentation (or vice versa, or something weird like that). so it's messy whatever way it goes.

Offline kill

  • Posts: 922
Boo the committee. I recall last year (or 'Year of Bliss' as it has become known) where we replaced most of the kit with shiny new gear (now in pieces mostly due to the paddling exploits of the current committee) AND got everyone fuck-faced for free on a regular basis with the most tremendous boathouse parties ever to be witnessed on campus. Oh, the fun we had with services...

Buy drink! The club has sufficient gear to get people to a level where they can buy their own gear.

Offline Diarmaid

  • Posts: 2,748
Don't listen to Kieran. We don't need the money for gear and boats, we need it for hostels, buses, instructors, that sort of thing.

Of course, if you'd all like to pay €20 instead of €10 for the Saturday trips, I'm sure we can accommodate getting 2 or 3 warm beers for each of you. Any takers?

Offline kmck

  • Posts: 4,529
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You right a canoe club doesn't need to replace paddles, bouancies or helemts every year.