And there's more...
Mr Mol took the underwater line out of a nasty hole...sans kayak. Cormie breast stroked his way for part of the Copper and eh, eh, maybe that's already been included by Lorcan? Jimbo copied his style on the Williams. That's all I can remember. Missed a few of these rivers myself in the spirit of hangovers and not liking big water so I figure this reporter is in for some grief off the swimees

The 3 3-week boys (Flanno, Mol and Cormie) have departed us but are styling it in a boozery in Vancouver. Whglst trying to come to terms with our loss, we've headed to Clearwater to meet some boaters, run a river and then we're heading early Saturday, gettin a river done thenWHislter late Saturday nite to meet "the Bob Marley of Whistler kayaking" - Don - on Sunday. Swwweeeetttt