I never got a text off you!!!! Stop lieing to cover your ass Jim, didnt see eoins graph, if i had i would have been right there
doh! My gear was all dry and all!!
Cattharine, Jim has probably told you in private and just slagged you on the board to look tough
But ill tell ye anyway incase he's just mean!
As far as i know there were 3 separate groups, the Glenmacnass was freakin huge, Group one was Timmy Nick and co. Timmy lost his boat early on, I think the rest of the carnage happened at the end section at lynams.
Polo Eoin's shoulder popped, im not sure if it was his's boat or a mate of his that got lost to. Then there was a third group and someone else got stuck in some big muchy stopper, got worked for ages (I missed it, apparently it was quite the working!!) his mate came into the exact same stopper and between them i think they lost one boat but i'd say someone in their group went after that boat.... I hope they did.
So thats it, I missed pretty much all the excitment cause i went straight up to get changed.