Author Topic: finially something kayak related....  (Read 12933 times)

Offline Pia!

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Re: finially something kayak related....
« Reply #15 on: May 06, 2008, 12:45:30 »
I know trowel, i couldn't believe it either! It's like i'm looking at a picture of Ritchie (especially the guy on the right)

Cian, all i had to do was sneek into Ritchies house. I found these two locked in his basement so i took a picture. Apparently Ritchie's parents thought that out of all the triplets Ritchie looked "normal" enough to be seen in public-how wrong they were.....   :D

Offline Ritchie

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Re: finially something kayak related....
« Reply #16 on: May 06, 2008, 13:33:23 »
oh my god richie i never knew you were a triplet!!
well towel, i guess you'll be glad to see there's now plenty of me to go around. ;)

Cian, all i had to do was sneek into Ritchies house.
pia, pia... you know you don't have to sneek into my house to find me, although this whole obsession/sexual furstration with me is getting a little weird. ;D

Offline Towelyey

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Re: finially something kayak related....
« Reply #17 on: May 06, 2008, 13:35:03 »
really richie did you see that picture do you ever look in the mirror??


Offline Diarmaid

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Re: finially something kayak related....
« Reply #18 on: May 06, 2008, 14:19:40 »
I love how all this is taking place in a thread called 'finally something kayak related'

Offline Towelyey

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Re: finially something kayak related....
« Reply #19 on: May 06, 2008, 14:40:08 »
damn i was just gona say that!!!!!! meeh you can have it :)

Offline Pia!

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Re: finially something kayak related....
« Reply #20 on: May 06, 2008, 15:04:00 »
Oh come on now Ritchie we all know that that picture of the german soldier was just a desperate bid for my attention- i think it is you with the obsession   :o

Anyway, i didn't sneek into your house due to sexual frustration-i did it for the greater good. Look at your gene's!! I couldn't have that contaminating the next generation.  :-[

Just think: Every time you try to chat up a girl I will be standing behind you holding that picture of your inbred brothers.
Every time you log into a "making friends" website that picture will pop up beside your profile.
Every time you try to get a mail order bride, i will be standing on your doorstep waiting for the delivery man

I'm going to Germany soon-If you fight this i'm pretty sure i can get an army together

I'm sorry it had to come to this Ritchie,
really i am

Offline caz

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Re: finially something kayak related....
« Reply #21 on: May 06, 2008, 18:14:27 »
well for the rest of us try this -

Offline Ritchie

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Re: finially something kayak related....
« Reply #22 on: May 06, 2008, 18:46:47 »
I couldn't have that contaminating the next generation.
i bet you couldn't, infact i bet you've already started growing your very own, unusually squared,  knacker-tash.

as for the rest of your shiting-on, i think i'm alright.
after all, seeing as yourself and towel seem to druel over me, the rest of the world should be a breeze.  8)

Offline Diarmaid

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Re: finially something kayak related....
« Reply #23 on: May 07, 2008, 12:01:28 »

after all, seeing as yourself and towel seem to druel over me, the rest of the world should be a breeze.  8)

... because they're ladies of such refined and discriminating tastes?  ???  :D

Offline Pia!

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Re: finially something kayak related....
« Reply #24 on: May 07, 2008, 14:59:31 »
You're right Diarmaid- you're waaaaay out of our league!   :D

Offline kill

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Re: finially something kayak related....
« Reply #25 on: May 08, 2008, 11:53:19 »
Ha! There's a stark resemblence between your avatar and that smilicon.

Offline Towelyey

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Re: finially something kayak related....
« Reply #26 on: May 08, 2008, 13:53:05 »

and thats what you look like!!

Offline kill

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Re: finially something kayak related....
« Reply #27 on: May 08, 2008, 14:02:09 »
Not true. That photo took hours of preparation. Look how beautifully curved my eyebrows are. That doesn't just happen you know.

Offline Towelyey

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Re: finially something kayak related....
« Reply #28 on: May 08, 2008, 15:34:05 »
the slightly confused look the raised eyebrows all that smily is missing is a whole lot of hair!!!!

Offline Pia!

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Re: finially something kayak related....
« Reply #29 on: May 09, 2008, 10:44:08 »
I think he looks more like this one  :-*

That photo took hours of preparation. Look how beautifully curved my eyebrows are. That doesn't just happen you know.

No it didn't! Trowel if you want to look as *good* as killian in that photo follow these simple steps:
Step 1: don't shave/wash/comb hair for 3 weeks until eyebrows are encrusted with dirt
Step 2:Drink red sambuca until lips are glowing
