Author Topic: Kerry!!!! 28th of December to 4th of January!!  (Read 50294 times)

Offline Ley-Ley

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Kerry!!!! 28th of December to 4th of January!!
« on: December 04, 2010, 22:23:07 »
Yay. Fun times are ahead for all this New Years, cause it's Kerry time!!! I know people like to spend time with there families but that is what Christmas is for, ye are all of the age where you need to see what it's like to not spend New Years with your family. It's hard at first but we'll make it easier for you by injecting you with massive amounts of fun and heroine but not really heroine cause it melts the brain. Fun on the other hand doesn't, it only cause various different physical injuries due to performing fun awesome acts of daring such as things that I can't right now think of, YAY for bad memory of laziness in the thought process!!

Anyways, enough of my rambling, we are planning on heading down for 7 WHOLE DAYS CONSISTING OF 24 HOURS EACH!!! What did he say? Yes, that's right I did say Eoghan has a collecting of animals testicles in his locker but stay focused!!

Prices work out as follows:

1 night - €15
2 nights - €30
3 nights - €45
4 nights - €55
5 nights - €65
6 nights - €75
7 nights - €80

The club will be staying in 2 Clearwater houses in Glenbeigh village.

This is no joke, in my first year I went for two days and was driving, so I had to go to bed early but the second year I went I had an AWESOME TIME and I didn't fade once, no matter what people say to you, they are filthy dirty liars!!

The difference in this trip, apart from it being 1000 and 9 percent more awesome than any other trips, is that everyone drives down!! No buses, so you need to ask people if they would give you a lift, which they won't mind. Don't be afraid to ask cause it's the only way you'll get down, or you could ask one of the committee and we'll help you out.

You don't have to stay down for the whole length but it is recommended cause of the awesomeness of it all. Plus there's an awesome fun time quiz on the 30th of December which will give everyone a sore side. Not because it's so funny but because the pain of hitting yourself in the gut will make it that bit easier.

I think that is all I can think of for the moment, if there is more I'll put it up here or just give me a shout and I shall re-tell you all you need to know about fun times had. Don't ask Eoghan about it though or he'll just talk about the Alps like he always does ( Hurts, doesn't it Eoghan? )

Dinner and breakfast is included as always, so is instructors etc. It's is pretty much the same as every other weekend away but it's a week long, you must sort your own transport down and back and LOADS OF OTHER UNIVERSITIES ATTEND TOO!!!!!!!!!!!!

I tried to put some pictures in but it didn't work, ah well.

Yours with love and patience,
Leighton 'Lovecheeks' Hoban.

P.S. Post here is you want to go and for how long!!
« Last Edit: December 05, 2010, 14:01:40 by Matt »


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Re: Kerry!!!! 28th of December to 4th of January!!
« Reply #1 on: December 04, 2010, 22:31:44 »
I'm going! I'm manning down and not doing the full week though. I'll be heading down to the nearby (and shit) mountaineers for the 29th and then getting  away from them as quickly as possible (30th depending on lifts) to go to you guys! I'll be looking to head home around the 2nd. Not driving but as me, Eoghan and Clare proved last year, if the car you're supposed to go down in breaks you can still make it, same day and everything!

Maryanne on the other hand proved that a car can indeed have too much oil.

Offline Evan

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Re: Kerry!!!! 28th of December to 4th of January!!
« Reply #2 on: December 04, 2010, 23:16:40 »
It's hard at first but we'll make it easier for you by injecting you with massive amounts of fun and heroine but not really heroine cause it melts the brain

Heroin:a white odourless bitter-tasting crystalline powder related to morphine: a highly addictive narcotic. Formula: C21H23NO5 Technical names diamorphine diacetylmorphine

Heroine: 1. a woman possessing heroic qualities
2. a woman idealized for possessing superior qualities
3. the main female character in a novel, play, film, etc.

I agree with Leighton. Putting women in any sort of position of idolatry is a bad idea and melts the brain.

Offline finch

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Re: Kerry!!!! 28th of December to 4th of January!!
« Reply #3 on: December 04, 2010, 23:34:37 »
7 nights - fuck ye this is going to be amazing (with hopefully 100% less broken furniture this time)

Offline rog

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Re: Kerry!!!! 28th of December to 4th of January!!
« Reply #4 on: December 04, 2010, 23:41:24 »
Holy shit, that's cheap. Fair play lads

Offline Lambe

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Re: Kerry!!!! 28th of December to 4th of January!!
« Reply #5 on: December 05, 2010, 02:18:24 »
Can't wait guys! I missed last year but Im definately not going to miss this year. Should be absolutely epic!

Offline kmck

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Re: Kerry!!!! 28th of December to 4th of January!!
« Reply #6 on: December 05, 2010, 07:16:38 »
That's great value and it's better value the more days you stay as well! Also those houses are lovely and warm.
Advice for people looking for a lift down or back, there are loads of people going to be driving, so stick up a post on the main board asking for a lift. Offer petrol money and entertainment (can't find a clip from malcom in the middle were francis hithces a lift with a truck driver and has to various things to get to alaska).
There are trains and for the first few years this is how I got down, if you time it right there is a bus that goes through glenbeigh. Also get a few people with cars number as we go through Killarney quite often during the week.
People have also flown in to kerry as well.

Offline Carla!

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Re: Kerry!!!! 28th of December to 4th of January!!
« Reply #7 on: December 05, 2010, 11:16:56 »
im going for the full week!  afro.gif

Offline Karen

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Re: Kerry!!!! 28th of December to 4th of January!!
« Reply #8 on: December 05, 2010, 11:17:40 »
From previous Kerrys!

Offline clarec

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Re: Kerry!!!! 28th of December to 4th of January!!
« Reply #9 on: December 05, 2010, 12:35:47 »



 ;D ;D

Maryanne on the other hand proved that a car can indeed have too much oil.



Offline Jon F

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Re: Kerry!!!! 28th of December to 4th of January!!
« Reply #10 on: December 05, 2010, 16:06:46 »
i guess i can go for the entire week, and id proberbly drive down and give people lifts

Offline Dani

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Re: Kerry!!!! 28th of December to 4th of January!!
« Reply #11 on: December 05, 2010, 19:14:58 »
Ahh sure I might head down for 3 or 4 days :)

Offline Rachel

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Re: Kerry!!!! 28th of December to 4th of January!!
« Reply #12 on: December 05, 2010, 21:04:03 »
Put me down for 5 nights- 30th to the 4th. I know, I know, bottler not going for the full thing but I'm going on a super cool mystery trip away somewhere mysterious, most probably abroad, but I'll run back super quick I promise!

Leighton, I love it when you make the posts!

Kerry   Kerry    Kerry   Kerry    Kerry    Kerry   Kerry   Kerry    Kerry    Kerry
 :D  afro.gif  :D afro.gif  :D  afro.gif  :D  afro.gif  :D  afro.gif  :D  afro.gif  :D  afro.gif  :D  afro.gif  :P  :-[

Offline Rachel

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Re: Kerry!!!! 28th of December to 4th of January!!
« Reply #13 on: December 05, 2010, 21:05:21 »
Oh, does the club plan what days it has trips on beforehand or wait for the weather? If ye do have some maybe dates for river trips can you let me know? Thanking you.

Offline Matt

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Re: Kerry!!!! 28th of December to 4th of January!!
« Reply #14 on: December 05, 2010, 21:23:53 »
No concrete plans for dates of trips yet... will depend on water and when instructors are free and stuff....