UCD Canoe Club
Committee Announcements => Announcements => Topic started by: Asho87 on November 20, 2008, 03:32:01
Well well ladies and gentlemen....
It's Christmas season again (as much as some of us want to deny it!(http://www.mymerrychristmas.com/forum/images/smilies/angry.gif)) (http://www.mymerrychristmas.com/forum/images/smilies/108.gif)
And this means the CHRISTMAS PARTY!!! Booze and Frolics (http://www.mymerrychristmas.com/forum/images/smilies/7a.gif)
And in true Canoe Club Style I want to see Santa dresses, Sexy boy Santa outfits, dress up as a Christmas tree for all I care.... (http://www.mymerrychristmas.com/forum/images/smilies/39.gif)
Festivity is a necessity anyway!!
We've booked the upstairs in Messr Maguires for the 4th of December!
Woooo it's gonna be awesome!! (http://www.mymerrychristmas.com/forum/images/smilies/48.gif)
It's gonna be €5 in to help raise funds to "Fix the Roof" that was mysteriously broken at Freshers.....
Oh yeah!
Forget Christmas... its my birthday the day before. Which also means i get a day off work ;D Party & a long weekend woohoo!!!
you get a day off work for your birthday?
ive taken the 4th of work wooo
finally something i wont miss due to having a poxy job
Yep indeedy. We geta whole day off, oh and wine :D
The roof!! Ha, yea. There was only two bad holes, nothing a big of blue tac wouldn't fix.
If you're not going to Lahinch, the ucd diving ball is on Friday night. You're welcome to come and be heckled if you like. After party in Rio's.
Cheers Becca but I'm going to Lahinch. Sure I wouldn't associate with any other diving club, not good enough! ;) :D
Pick me, pick me, pick me, haven't be to a one of thoes in years.
Anyone what an amanda on there couch? I'm lovely ;D ;D ;D
yah you can stay in mine... :) xx
Or mine, you can have the attic again :)
Lets go Ice Skating!!! Woop, Christmas!!!
It's my birthday the day before, why is there so much stuff around the exams? I can't be failing any subjects again...
It's my birthday the day before, why is there so much stuff around the exams? I can't be failing any subjects again...
are you jody? :O
It's my birthday the day before, why is there so much stuff around the exams? I can't be failing any subjects again...
are you jody? :O
I just noticed this... is that a reference to the same birthday.... or the failing bit... hmmmm.
Woohoo, have that friday off for deffinate... anyone up for some post xmas party paddling??? ;D ;D ;D
Woohoo, have that friday off for deffinate... anyone up for some post xmas party paddling??? ;D ;D ;D
Sweet... Sluice on the 5th... not too early!
& Kyle ya know you wanna gimme a lift :-*
That way i dont have to worry about being sober ;)
Yea sure, as long as it ain't too early or I'd be drunk
hey, im gonna make some mince pies for the party on wednesday!
anyone wanna come round to mine to help put and make some too?....or if someone has a nice big kitchen and wants to put theirs forward feel free!! (mine's a tad small!)
i live in raheny on the DART line so should be easy enough to get to and from....prob start in the evening....
yum yum!! :)
I nominate our friendly club baker (Karen). She's really good at this whole cooking delicious food thingy.
Also, shouldn't we tell Trinity that the party is on Thursday
"And in true Canoe Club Style I want to see Santa dresses, Sexy boy Santa outfits, dress up as a Christmas tree for all I care.... (http://www.mymerrychristmas.com/forum/images/smilies/39.gif) "
I dont know how to do this quote thing yet.
I thought It was sexy santa dresses and boys get working on there beer belly's for santa outfits. Got the friday off so will be there Thursday with bells on. Looking forward to it Asho. Hopefully be a good as roges night, broke my phone, lost my scarf and have strange spoon marks, sign of a great night.
I nominate our friendly club baker (Karen). She's really good at this whole cooking delicious food thingy.
Also, shouldn't we tell Trinity that the party is on Thursday
im cooking the pies on wednesday to have them for thursday.....
.....baking is gonna commence at 7pm :)
send me an email on gilchraa@tcd.ie if ya wanna come along (seeing as ive lost my phone, yet again ::))....think we're gonna stay in town (in leah's if ya remember her!) for the cooking at a friends place so even easier to attend! i expect your friend;y club baker to be there :P
I was going to go if it was in Raheny. not town though. poo.
and I used to be a baker and everything. I could have worn my baking pants. :(
well if leah backs out it'll be back to raheny, so will PM ya to let u know!
hey guys,
our dazzling PRO has informed me that Messrs is only holding the venue for us until 9...so if you're doing pre-gaming better get it done before then.Mkay? We all cool with that? Good.
None of this fashionably late cause you were drinking somewhere else. That's just stupid. The earlier we turn up, the longer the fun shall last.
See you all tomorrow! woop.
So what time do we have to be there for?
9 p.m.
And how much is it in ??
And what time do we have to be there at ??
9 p.m.
But how much is it in ??
:P :P
Sorry man - couldn't resist
well try about 8:30. Just come and be merry...before or at 9! ha
Oh right, I thought we only had it till 9!! Good stuff. Oh and Finchie, you still owe my a pint!!
Damn - stupid insults making people remember I owe them drink >:( >:(
Oh and anyone up for one or two in the student bar before we head in - I'm going straight from the library so pre-drinking (excepting bus drinking of course) is out of the question really
9 p.m.
And how much is it in ??
And what time do we have to be there at ??
9 p.m.
But how much is it in ??
:P :P
Sorry man - couldn't resist
And is there some sort of "entry fee" to this social gathering?
I might join you in the student bar depending on what time I'm finished studying in college.
I'm in all day sojust give me a text whenever you're finished :P
boys that means that drinking is either gonna start very early or not at all...a dangerous game to be playing. very dangerous indeed.
I'll see you all tonight with your bells on, it is christmas afterall!
Look sharpish kids.
boys that means that drinking is either gonna start very early or not at all...a dangerous game to be playing. very dangerous indeed.
The best kind of game I think ;D
Wait? We can't drink in Messers? Wtf is going on? I'm confused and I forgot to buy bells. This is a terrible day. :(
Relax - it's a good day ;D :P
We can drink in Messrs - we're just going to start early in the bar in UCD - join us if you're around
Also you don't necessarely need bells - only if you want to dress up like that........
I'm in UCD now and I would like to join but its too much of an effort and I have to go to the doctor at 4.10. So boo urns. Drink two on me Finchster, two on me.
so when are people headin student bar?ha finch leighton's into bells n stuff remember his freshers costume?? :)
Drink two on me Finchster, two on me.
Can I count the one I owe you in that ??
I'd say I'll head to the bar around 7.30 or so - depends on how much work I get done - and what was his costume again ?? (Memory like a goldfish I'm afraid)
No you can't you damn Wicklow man you. Why don't you go into town before and have a few drinks, that way I can join in too!!!!
Here Eoghan, you..you, yea. A French maid has nothing to do with bells!!!
But €10 pitchers (a.k.a. 3 pints) are too cheap to pass up :P
9 p.m.
And how much is it in ??
And what time do we have to be there at ??
9 p.m.
But how much is it in ??
:P :P
Sorry man - couldn't resist
And is there some sort of "entry fee" to this social gathering?
and is there some kind of "schedualed time" when we gather together?..to meet and talk about each other, drink heavily in order to enjoy one anothers company and then later move to a designated area where we move our bodies in jerking, jiggling sort of movements in time with the latest pop singles?....god, i love parties.
... anyone up for a little pre-drinking at mine first with an aim to hit barcode around half ten, eleven?
ha so leighton wat time willl u be in town at?i might go to the bar for 1 and then i could cycle in??GALAHAD?? :)
But €10 pitchers (a.k.a. 3 pints) are too cheap to pass up :P
You sold your soul man, you sold it good.
Umm, I don't know what time, whats best? Maybe an hour before we have to go to Messers?
Yes I did - but I got beer money for it ;D
If you guys are going proper cheap drinking I'm in - I just wasn't that arsed going the whole way into town earlier then I had to
Oh and it's 2 already Eoghan
I don't know about proper cheap drinking, I know I dress like a knacker but I don't like to drink like them. I could be persuaded though. I'll go with the flow.
wats happening at 2?ye well if people are up for proper cheap drinking i'm there
... anyone up for a little pre-drinking at mine first with an aim to hit barcode around half ten, eleven?
hey, me and ali are pre-gaming in mine....
the more the merrier and all that jazzz :D
drink heavily in order to enjoy one anothers company
You mean you might actually seem like a nice person if I'm obnoxiously drunk?
Ok, if the consensus says proper cheap drinking then I guess it is.
first of all...
No you can't you damn Wicklow man you.
Quote from: becca on Today at 02:01:43 PM
drink heavily in order to enjoy one anothers company
You mean you might actually seem like a nice person if I'm obnoxiously drunk?
Also you don't necessarely need bells - only if you want to dress up like that........
You all better be in the xmas spirit...emphasis on the spirits.Wha!?
Otherwise we wont be enthusiastic enough to
move our bodies in jerking, jiggling sort of movements in time with the latest pop singles
as Becca so eloquently put it.
ps. of course we can drink in Messrs. Leighton, I'm concerned for you. Drinking shouldn't be this hard for you.
ahhh 666 views, the true sign of becca being present
i looked everywhere for a grinch costume but couldnt find one :(
first of all...
No you can't you damn Wicklow man you.
Exactly - Screw you and your silly county.....
You all better be in the xmas spirit...emphasis on the spirits.Wha!?
So there'll be Eggnog :o
I'm concerned for me too but
'Drinking shouldn't be too hard for you'
I'm no alco thank you very much, I like the odd West Coast Cooler but that's it. You damn Wickla woman you... are you happy now? I acknowledged you to be a Wicklow person. There.
That's better - At least you gave it the proper accent that time :P
You owe me a pint.
I didn't think you drank pints Leighton.
I like the odd West Coast Cooler but that's it.
Fine - I'll get you "a pint" later ;) happy ??
I like the odd West Coast Cooler but that's it.
:O my paddling buddy is a lil bitch :(
Yea, a pint of West Coast Cooler, Evan.
No Finch, I will never be happy. :(
Feck sake, stop posting before I do.
You'll see Karl, you'll be on the Cooler before long.
Fine - I'll get you "a pint" later ;) happy ??
Thanks Finch. That seemed like a pretty open proposal to EVERYBODY so post up here if you want Finch to buy you a pint ;D
theres no way cooler can beat guinness, ill slap you silly woman
I didn't want to ge involved...but oh well.
Look here Leighton. You crowd are all just scared of those of us from Wickla. You come down, abuse our rivers and then piss off back to Dublin only to hurl abuse at us. Well, no more. The next time you come to Wickla we'll be waiting for YOUR kind...that's right...YOUR kind. The kind of people that need a vodka on the rocks to get them through the day. Don't go tainting our board with your efforts to get plastered at an unholy hour of the day whilst the rest of us are making the most of our day in the Library. We are a respectful Sports community and we will not be party to this madness. You are an alcoholic Leighton...an alcoholic. Look at you...getting people to pay you in pints.
You owe me a pint.
You're in the denial stage.
I'm no alco thank you very much, I like the odd West Coast Cooler but that's it
'That's it' is it? Yeah sure that's it. That's it until lunch time.
We'll get you through it. But DO NOT give me abuse for being from Wickla...you ALCO!
Fine - I'll get you "a pint" later ;) happy ??
Thanks Finch. That seemed like a pretty open proposal to EVERYBODY so post up here if you want Finch to buy you a pint ;D
Pints of Water all round then ??
Oh and Wicklow Rules !!!!!!! ;D 8)
I think you'll notice I said to "buy" a pint. That means, unless Messrs is a complete rip-off it has to be more than water
And I'll hand over a small amount of money for all those pints of water......
And my pint of beer
bottled water poured into a pint glass, that'll shut em up finch :D
you won't send me to the cooler!
I didn't want to ge involved...but oh well.
Look here Leighton. You crowd are all just scared of those of us from Wickla. You come down, abuse our rivers and then piss off back to Dublin only to hurl abuse at us. Well, no more. The next time you come to Wickla we'll be waiting for YOUR kind...that's right...YOUR kind. The kind of people that need a vodka on the rocks to get them through the day. Don't go tainting our board with your efforts to get plastered at an unholy hour of the day whilst the rest of us are making the most of our day in the Library. We are a respectful Sports community and we will not be party to this madness. You are an alcoholic Leighton...an alcoholic. Look at you...getting people to pay you in pints.
You owe me a pint.
You're in the denial stage.
I'm no alco thank you very much, I like the odd West Coast Cooler but that's it
'That's it' is it? Yeah sure that's it. That's it until lunch time.
We'll get you through it. But DO NOT give me abuse for being from Wickla...you ALCO!
Oh, oh, your bringing out the racism card are you? Well that's just great. I joined this club thinking I'd fit in, be one of the 'in' crowd! I was a little rumbled to see some of the Pale outsiders in the club but I'm open minded, I figured I'd try and get along but no, I get abused for being from the big smoke, for wanting more from my life than being a country bumkin, well listen here, not all of use can go to our Cork cousins and get a job on the bog. It's not all roses and chocolates for me you know. I need to drink. I need.
I can see I'm not wanted anymore. :(
I can see I'm not wanted anymore. :(
you can be the token fresher drunk
Fine by me, as long as my drink is payed for and I'm brought home safely. Don't let Rodg bring me home, he changes when he's drunk, lol.
no dice
youll take what your given and like it
Ok, but I won't like it.
Racism....racism? I called you an alcho?! Sorry. I didn't realise I was pickin on an idiot. That's unfair.
I missed the bit where I abused where you came from. Again, I only referred to your drinking.
As for being a..what was it?...Country Bumpkin?! Dangerous territory. I am no ones Bumpkin...not even the country's. Yes I am from the "country", if that's what we're calling Wickla. Here's an offer for you Leighton if you were a little rumbled to see some of the Pale outsiders in the club
hows bout you stick to your rivers and I'll stick to mine...deal?
Also, for the record, I have no cousins in Cork.
Fine by me, as long as my drink is payed for and I'm brought home safely. Don't let Rodg bring me home, he changes when he's drunk
It's not fine! SNAP OUT OF IT! Hoping you'll be 'brought home safely' as opposed to get yourself home safely is certainly an odd aspiration for a night out.Really setting your sights high!
I can see I'm not wanted anymore. :(
'You crowd' is what you said and by that I took it you mean't Inner City Dublinners. Yes, we are a race of our own, I like to think of us as an Aryan race because we are that good.
I can't help the drinking problem, they keep offering. It's so easy.!!
Oh and your Rivers are better so I'll go to them.
ah Leighton. Don't give up. Now I have to go study. sheesh.
leighton got owned
No I didn't, Lucy gave up, therefore I win!!! Forestry for the win!!!
I can keep going.
Presumptuous aren't we? 'You crowd'referred to those who discriminate against people from Wickla, are you that close-minded that you didn't think I could be referring to anyone who hailed from outside of the "Pale" as you so delicately put it.
Aryan race eh? You do know tat Hitler was opposite to what he deemed to be the perfect human creation. Don't make me go there.
I've already told you we'd help you with the drinking issue.
Don't touch our rivers until you apologise.
Fair is fair.
It's like the drunken arguments have started already!
I have to go to the doctors now but I'll touch your dirty stinking rivers whenever I want. I can't see any of you Wickla billys doing anything to stop me.
I'm Aryan in the sense of the Roman Empire, so nerrr!
well listen here, not all of us can go to our Cork cousins and get a job on the bog. It's not all roses and chocolates for me you know.
Send on your CV the lads at home are always looking for fresh meat, I mean help on the bog. The pay is a box of roses chocolates.
....hahahahaha...did someone from Dublin just complain about rivers from Wicklow being 'dirty stinking rivers'?!? Oh that's a good one Leighton.
Well hows bout you run off to your Roman Empire then....run away...go on.
'The theory that the Aryans first came from Europe became especially accepted in Germany. It was widely believed that the "Vedic Aryans" were the same people as the Goths, Vandals and other ancient Germanic peoples who brought the Western Roman Empire to an end. This idea was often mixed with anti-Semitic ideas.'
Not sure if I'd be too proud of that. Just after you accused me of being racist. Quite the turn around don't you think?
"Doctors" sure....
Aryan race eh? You do know tat Hitler was opposite to what he deemed to be the perfect human creation. Don't make me go there.
"Godwin's Law (also known as Godwin's Rule of Nazi Analogies)[1] is an adage formulated by Mike Godwin in 1990. The law states:[2][3]
"As a Usenet discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches one.""
"There are many corollaries to Godwin's law, some considered more canonical (by being adopted by Godwin himself)[2] than others invented later.[1] For example, there is a tradition in many newsgroups and other Internet discussion forums that once such a comparison is made, the thread is finished and whoever mentioned the Nazis has automatically "lost" whatever debate was in progress. This principle itself is frequently referred to as Godwin's Law."
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Godwin%27s_Law (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Godwin%27s_Law)
Ok, my laptop battery is about to die. So that means Leighton loses then? Ha. brilliant.
box of roses chocolates.
Can I have some please?
Sorry I got bored around page three, I made up own conversation. Everyone is going to buy me drink because I said so and there will be dancing girls and boys with bells on at messrs at half eight.
I have to go to the doctors now but I'll touch your dirty stinking rivers whenever I want. I can't see any of you Wickla billys doing anything to stop me.
Don't you worry - We'll have something planned.......
And Diarmaid I prefer the Reverse Godwin
Ok, my laptop battery is about to die. So that means Leighton loses then? Ha. brilliant.
Nope you lose!! You were fighting thin air because I was at the 'doctors'!!
Oh and stop using the Internet to help in your dirty stinking arguments.
whilst the rest of us are making the most of our day in the Library.
I'm sorry, i had to..... Really, lucy??? really???
drink heavily in order to enjoy one anothers company
You mean you might actually seem like a nice person if I'm obnoxiously drunk?
.........probably not.
'The theory that the Aryans first came from Europe became especially accepted in Germany. It was widely believed that the "Vedic Aryans" were the same people as the Goths, Vandals and other ancient Germanic peoples who brought the Western Roman Empire to an end. This idea was often mixed with anti-Semitic ideas.'
Not sure if I'd be too proud of that.
i don't see why not.
Cheers Becca, us divers need to stick together!
I'm up too early. :(
Awwwwwwww, some of us were in work since 9 and are just finished now :( :P
and some of us are just finished now and very glad to be home so early.