UCD Canoe Club

Committee Announcements => Announcements => Topic started by: Ley-Ley on December 04, 2010, 22:23:07

Title: Kerry!!!! 28th of December to 4th of January!!
Post by: Ley-Ley on December 04, 2010, 22:23:07
Yay. Fun times are ahead for all this New Years, cause it's Kerry time!!! I know people like to spend time with there families but that is what Christmas is for, ye are all of the age where you need to see what it's like to not spend New Years with your family. It's hard at first but we'll make it easier for you by injecting you with massive amounts of fun and heroine but not really heroine cause it melts the brain. Fun on the other hand doesn't, it only cause various different physical injuries due to performing fun awesome acts of daring such as things that I can't right now think of, YAY for bad memory of laziness in the thought process!!

Anyways, enough of my rambling, we are planning on heading down for 7 WHOLE DAYS CONSISTING OF 24 HOURS EACH!!! What did he say? Yes, that's right I did say Eoghan has a collecting of animals testicles in his locker but stay focused!!

Prices work out as follows:

1 night - €15
2 nights - €30
3 nights - €45
4 nights - €55
5 nights - €65
6 nights - €75
7 nights - €80

The club will be staying in 2 Clearwater houses (http://www.glenbeighholidayhomes.com/) in Glenbeigh village.

This is no joke, in my first year I went for two days and was driving, so I had to go to bed early but the second year I went I had an AWESOME TIME and I didn't fade once, no matter what people say to you, they are filthy dirty liars!!

The difference in this trip, apart from it being 1000 and 9 percent more awesome than any other trips, is that everyone drives down!! No buses, so you need to ask people if they would give you a lift, which they won't mind. Don't be afraid to ask cause it's the only way you'll get down, or you could ask one of the committee and we'll help you out.

You don't have to stay down for the whole length but it is recommended cause of the awesomeness of it all. Plus there's an awesome fun time quiz on the 30th of December which will give everyone a sore side. Not because it's so funny but because the pain of hitting yourself in the gut will make it that bit easier.

I think that is all I can think of for the moment, if there is more I'll put it up here or just give me a shout and I shall re-tell you all you need to know about fun times had. Don't ask Eoghan about it though or he'll just talk about the Alps like he always does ( Hurts, doesn't it Eoghan? )

Dinner and breakfast is included as always, so is instructors etc. It's is pretty much the same as every other weekend away but it's a week long, you must sort your own transport down and back and LOADS OF OTHER UNIVERSITIES ATTEND TOO!!!!!!!!!!!!

I tried to put some pictures in but it didn't work, ah well.

Yours with love and patience,
Leighton 'Lovecheeks' Hoban.

P.S. Post here is you want to go and for how long!!
Title: Re: Kerry!!!! 28th of December to 4th of January!!
Post by: Jer on December 04, 2010, 22:31:44
I'm going! I'm manning down and not doing the full week though. I'll be heading down to the nearby (and shit) mountaineers for the 29th and then getting  away from them as quickly as possible (30th depending on lifts) to go to you guys! I'll be looking to head home around the 2nd. Not driving but as me, Eoghan and Clare proved last year, if the car you're supposed to go down in breaks you can still make it, same day and everything!

Maryanne on the other hand proved that a car can indeed have too much oil.
Title: Re: Kerry!!!! 28th of December to 4th of January!!
Post by: Evan on December 04, 2010, 23:16:40
It's hard at first but we'll make it easier for you by injecting you with massive amounts of fun and heroine but not really heroine cause it melts the brain

Heroin:a white odourless bitter-tasting crystalline powder related to morphine: a highly addictive narcotic. Formula: C21H23NO5 Technical names diamorphine diacetylmorphine

Heroine: 1. a woman possessing heroic qualities
2. a woman idealized for possessing superior qualities
3. the main female character in a novel, play, film, etc.

I agree with Leighton. Putting women in any sort of position of idolatry is a bad idea and melts the brain.
Title: Re: Kerry!!!! 28th of December to 4th of January!!
Post by: finch on December 04, 2010, 23:34:37
7 nights - fuck ye this is going to be amazing (with hopefully 100% less broken furniture this time)
Title: Re: Kerry!!!! 28th of December to 4th of January!!
Post by: rog on December 04, 2010, 23:41:24
Holy shit, that's cheap. Fair play lads
Title: Re: Kerry!!!! 28th of December to 4th of January!!
Post by: Lambe on December 05, 2010, 02:18:24
Can't wait guys! I missed last year but Im definately not going to miss this year. Should be absolutely epic!
Title: Re: Kerry!!!! 28th of December to 4th of January!!
Post by: kmck on December 05, 2010, 07:16:38
That's great value and it's better value the more days you stay as well! Also those houses are lovely and warm.
Advice for people looking for a lift down or back, there are loads of people going to be driving, so stick up a post on the main board asking for a lift. Offer petrol money and entertainment (can't find a clip from malcom in the middle were francis hithces a lift with a truck driver and has to various things to get to alaska).
There are trains and for the first few years this is how I got down, if you time it right there is a bus that goes through glenbeigh. Also get a few people with cars number as we go through Killarney quite often during the week.
People have also flown in to kerry as well.
Title: Re: Kerry!!!! 28th of December to 4th of January!!
Post by: Carla! on December 05, 2010, 11:16:56
im going for the full week!  afro.gif
Title: Re: Kerry!!!! 28th of December to 4th of January!!
Post by: Karen on December 05, 2010, 11:17:40
From previous Kerrys!

Title: Re: Kerry!!!! 28th of December to 4th of January!!
Post by: clarec on December 05, 2010, 12:35:47



 ;D ;D

Maryanne on the other hand proved that a car can indeed have too much oil.


Title: Re: Kerry!!!! 28th of December to 4th of January!!
Post by: Jon F on December 05, 2010, 16:06:46
i guess i can go for the entire week, and id proberbly drive down and give people lifts
Title: Re: Kerry!!!! 28th of December to 4th of January!!
Post by: Dani on December 05, 2010, 19:14:58
Ahh sure I might head down for 3 or 4 days :)
Title: Re: Kerry!!!! 28th of December to 4th of January!!
Post by: Rachel on December 05, 2010, 21:04:03
Put me down for 5 nights- 30th to the 4th. I know, I know, bottler not going for the full thing but I'm going on a super cool mystery trip away somewhere mysterious, most probably abroad, but I'll run back super quick I promise!

Leighton, I love it when you make the posts!

Kerry   Kerry    Kerry   Kerry    Kerry    Kerry   Kerry   Kerry    Kerry    Kerry

 :D  afro.gif  :D afro.gif  :D  afro.gif  :D  afro.gif  :D  afro.gif  :D  afro.gif  :D  afro.gif  :D  afro.gif  :P  :-[
Title: Re: Kerry!!!! 28th of December to 4th of January!!
Post by: Rachel on December 05, 2010, 21:05:21
Oh, does the club plan what days it has trips on beforehand or wait for the weather? If ye do have some maybe dates for river trips can you let me know? Thanking you.
Title: Re: Kerry!!!! 28th of December to 4th of January!!
Post by: Matt on December 05, 2010, 21:23:53
No concrete plans for dates of trips yet... will depend on water and when instructors are free and stuff....
Title: Re: Kerry!!!! 28th of December to 4th of January!!
Post by: Kerry Gold on December 07, 2010, 03:31:18
Out of intested, can you go for a few days, leave, and then come back again?...and how would price work out on that?.

.....I will be going, not sure for  how much though ...
(will be getting a bus in)
Title: Re: Kerry!!!! 28th of December to 4th of January!!
Post by: kmck on December 07, 2010, 07:16:47
The trick to any such arrangement is to talk to money man finch in private and work it out between the two of you.
Title: Re: Kerry!!!! 28th of December to 4th of January!!
Post by: finch on December 07, 2010, 09:51:53
Out of intested, can you go for a few days, leave, and then come back again?...and how would price work out on that?.

Ye of course man - price will depend on the total number of nights you stay - just consult the first post
Title: Re: Kerry!!!! 28th of December to 4th of January!!
Post by: Eoghan on December 07, 2010, 14:15:35
.....I will be going, not sure for  how much though ...
(will be getting a bus in)

sure bring everyone from BALLY!!!  ;)

OH.MY.GOD.....Kerry is INSANE!!


Boys and girls, if you get anything right this year get it right and GO TO GLENBEIGH for the dates above
Title: Re: Kerry!!!! 28th of December to 4th of January!!
Post by: caoimhem on December 07, 2010, 18:22:54
definitely coming along for a few days! not sure which ones yet though ... cant wait :D
Title: Re: Kerry!!!! 28th of December to 4th of January!!
Post by: Eoghan on December 07, 2010, 18:44:19
definitely coming along for a few days! not sure which ones yet though ... cant wait :D

well done caoimhe!! go from the start till the 1st! All the crazy cats are doing it these days...  :)
Title: Re: Kerry!!!! 28th of December to 4th of January!!
Post by: Nuala on December 07, 2010, 19:02:34
Stay the full  seven days if possible! It's amazing, there's too much paddling and surfing to fit into a week! (Hopefully).
Title: Re: Kerry!!!! 28th of December to 4th of January!!
Post by: finch on December 07, 2010, 19:17:55
go from the start till the 1st! All the crazy cats are doing it these days...  :)

Keep telling yourself that man........
Title: Re: Kerry!!!! 28th of December to 4th of January!!
Post by: Ley-Ley on December 08, 2010, 11:33:58
definitely coming along for a few days! not sure which ones yet though ... cant wait :D

well done caoimhe!! go from the start till the 1st! All the crazy cats are doing it these days...  :)
You've changed man.
Title: Re: Kerry!!!! 28th of December to 4th of January!!
Post by: Eoghan on December 08, 2010, 23:28:26
ha i have to say i think it's pretty manly staying down and then getting across the country for a flight on the same day...  8)
Title: Re: Kerry!!!! 28th of December to 4th of January!!
Post by: waheyforgavin on December 09, 2010, 00:41:29

Sounds bloody fantastic, i'll be there. And i asked carla she said it's ok to sign up a few of my friends to join and come down too? so another 4, and we have a car( yes i know... mad isn't it)
Going the 28th til the 1st i think,
and what other uni's are going down do u know?

and drink on new years? gona be seriously messy, fair play...
Title: Re: Kerry!!!! 28th of December to 4th of January!!
Post by: Ley-Ley on December 09, 2010, 12:31:53
Oh and for a heads up, ye'd want to bring sleeping bags, beds will be few and far between. I and Eoghan shall be comandeering one this year, as per tradition but we will still bring our sleeping bags!!
Title: Re: Kerry!!!! 28th of December to 4th of January!!
Post by: kmck on December 09, 2010, 12:49:20
The houses are lovely but you need to keep them clear in the mornings and evenings as the landlord is about and her daughter lives in the estate.
Sorry just wanted to add that is is nearly peanut butter kerry time!
Title: Re: Kerry!!!! 28th of December to 4th of January!!
Post by: Eoghan on December 09, 2010, 19:24:11
Oh and for a heads up, ye'd want to bring sleeping bags, beds will be few and far between. I and Eoghan shall be comandeering one this year, as per tradition but we will still bring our sleeping bags!!

aww yeah.......  8)
Title: Re: Kerry!!!! 28th of December to 4th of January!!
Post by: kmck on December 09, 2010, 20:10:37
Yes they zip them together and play a game called hide the sau.... sauna keys yes that's what they do. They also have a day where nothing short of a lightning strike will get them out of bed.
Title: Re: Kerry!!!! 28th of December to 4th of January!!
Post by: rog on December 10, 2010, 16:08:09
Any1 remember this?

Rachel said in a husky voice
"I love my muff"
and pleaded fuck me
teapot master
but he said no.
So she asked
"could someone please shove a paddle up my ass"
Then things got confused
and the dog stared chocking
and bit me
which made me even more aroused but
it started to sting
and Leighton said "oh dear"
and with a full pot of curry sauce in his hand asked
"Is there any curry sauce left there rog?"
"Yeah, it's all over my body, come lick it off."
Then he made eye contact and dropped the hand
and that's how I had my first orgasm
Title: Re: Kerry!!!! 28th of December to 4th of January!!
Post by: Carla! on December 10, 2010, 16:13:01
haha! what a game we are definitely playing that again! and the one where you come back in the room and get interviewed for something you did, that was class too!
Title: Re: Kerry!!!! 28th of December to 4th of January!!
Post by: Eoghan on December 10, 2010, 16:17:07
yeah that was hilarious...

again any newbies don't be put off out of context it looks very weird but it's just a REALLY FUNNY GAME! yeah Carla that was a great one too...  8)
Title: Re: Kerry!!!! 28th of December to 4th of January!!
Post by: rog on December 10, 2010, 16:19:57
The game where we told peegor to fuck off out of the room he just said ok

then we told him to come back in and we started asking him random questions and he just started answering him completely oblivious to the fact we were playin a game... bahaha
Title: Re: Kerry!!!! 28th of December to 4th of January!!
Post by: Stephen.M on December 10, 2010, 16:22:48
Hay for people getting public transport down for the first day, we all might aswell get the same bus/train so I was just wondering which bus/train are most people getting?
Title: Re: Kerry!!!! 28th of December to 4th of January!!
Post by: Tiny Tim on December 10, 2010, 16:29:20
i hate you guys. blah blah blah remember all the fun we had in kerry? blah blah blah it was really good blah blah blah u missed out dave blah blah blah.   fuck you guys >:( :-[ :blank:
Title: Re: Kerry!!!! 28th of December to 4th of January!!
Post by: clarec on December 10, 2010, 16:55:00
i hate you guys. blah blah blah remember all the fun we had in kerry? blah blah blah it was really good blah blah blah u missed out dave blah blah blah.   fuck you guys >:( :-[ :blank:

Hey Dave! Remember that one time... oh you weren't there... you missed out...

Oh and for a heads up, ye'd want to bring sleeping bags, beds will be few and far between. I and Eoghan shall be comandeering one this year, as per tradition but we will still bring our sleeping bags!!

aww yeah.......  8)

Stay away from their bed... you will find yourself huddled with a jacket on the kitchen floor
Title: Re: Kerry!!!! 28th of December to 4th of January!!
Post by: kmck on December 10, 2010, 17:10:28
The train is the best, pick one that goes all the way to kilarney direct otherwise you may have to get off in Mallow, you don't want to do that<shiver>. Then see if you can link up with the bus that goes to Glenbeigh from the train station. From the looks of things there are alot of lifts going so try them first then in a next week anyone without a lift post up, get together as a group and go down on the 28th.
I plan to drive down from home, home being just outside Carlow town arse end of laois. I'l be leaving early enough on the 28th that if anyone wants a lift from me they will have to travel down either the night of the 27th or get an early bus to Carlow on the 28th. But there is a big but my travel plans are directly related to my thesis plans so if I'm not finished I will not be going on the 28th or maybe at all. So I will not be offering a lift until at least the 18th of december.
Title: Re: Kerry!!!! 28th of December to 4th of January!!
Post by: Carla! on December 10, 2010, 17:22:43
Hay for people getting public transport down for the first day, we all might aswell get the same bus/train so I was just wondering which bus/train are most people getting?
Theres probably space in someones car if you check the Kerry Lifts post in general banter.
Title: Re: Kerry!!!! 28th of December to 4th of January!!
Post by: Jer on December 10, 2010, 17:56:57
How did you actually play that game? It's been bugging me for ages...
Title: Re: Kerry!!!! 28th of December to 4th of January!!
Post by: finch on December 10, 2010, 17:59:23
Loved those games !!!!!! Some of the most nonsensical but fun games ever :D 8) afro.gif
Title: Re: Kerry!!!! 28th of December to 4th of January!!
Post by: Carla! on December 10, 2010, 18:00:40
How did you actually play that game? It's been bugging me for ages...
which one?
Title: Re: Kerry!!!! 28th of December to 4th of January!!
Post by: Jer on December 10, 2010, 18:12:43
The story one, I remember counting up to 21 but not how the sentences got switched in.
Title: Re: Kerry!!!! 28th of December to 4th of January!!
Post by: Carla! on December 10, 2010, 18:29:20
The story one, I remember counting up to 21 but not how the sentences got switched in.
emmm.... you go around in a circle and count to 21 and theres some rules... and when you make a mistake or something you have to make a random sentence and is then said instead of the number in the following rounds. Until they all join up to make a story.

Maybe you have to be drunk to remember how to play? I can't seem to remember now either! was it something to do with multiples of 7 or is that a different game
Title: Re: Kerry!!!! 28th of December to 4th of January!!
Post by: rog on December 10, 2010, 18:34:43
I think that's a different game, I think this one u just count from 1 - 21 then whoever says 21 comes up with a sentance to replace a number,

So say I ended on 21 i'd go 7 is now "And that's why I like pie so much"

So the next person who gets seven has to say "And that's why I like pie so much"
Title: Re: Kerry!!!! 28th of December to 4th of January!!
Post by: finch on December 10, 2010, 19:12:37
Ye thats it - drinking always helps to remember drinking games though ;)
Title: Re: Kerry!!!! 28th of December to 4th of January!!
Post by: Dani on December 11, 2010, 12:10:44
Anyone got a space in their car going down 28th and/or coming back on the 31st??
Title: Re: Kerry!!!! 28th of December to 4th of January!!
Post by: Am_canoe on December 11, 2010, 12:41:34
I will give it a 5 days go.
Title: Re: Kerry!!!! 28th of December to 4th of January!!
Post by: Tiny Tim on December 11, 2010, 12:48:25
hhmm dunno if i posted already but im goin this year....
my first kerry, how exciting!!! all week bitches
Title: Re: Kerry!!!! 28th of December to 4th of January!!
Post by: rog on December 11, 2010, 13:08:50
Great stuff dave, gonna be INSANE
Title: Re: Kerry!!!! 28th of December to 4th of January!!
Post by: Carla! on December 11, 2010, 13:58:19
Anyone needing lifts/driving down with free space-

This is the post about lifts http://www.ucdcanoeclub.com/index.php/topic,9759.0.html
Title: Re: Kerry!!!! 28th of December to 4th of January!!
Post by: Tiny Tim on December 11, 2010, 14:26:08
rog have you organised rain? only your god like powers of drunken paddler manliness can guarantee to make everything wet!  ;)
Title: Re: Kerry!!!! 28th of December to 4th of January!!
Post by: Eoghan on December 11, 2010, 15:45:50
wow Dave that is seriously bent...
Title: Re: Kerry!!!! 28th of December to 4th of January!!
Post by: Tiny Tim on December 11, 2010, 16:26:07
wow Dave that is seriously bent...

and you loved it!!!
Title: Re: Kerry!!!! 28th of December to 4th of January!!
Post by: Ley-Ley on December 11, 2010, 18:42:46
I will give it a 5 days go.
Good man Amidou!! It's been awhile since you've been out with us!! This is a lot different from Lucan Weir!!
Title: Re: Kerry!!!! 28th of December to 4th of January!!
Post by: Kerry Gold on December 12, 2010, 23:43:43
i think i'll get the bus in on the 29th, (maybe late on the 29th), and stay till the end
Title: Re: Kerry!!!! 28th of December to 4th of January!!
Post by: Amanda on December 13, 2010, 19:41:10
Are we there yet?

Title: Re: Kerry!!!! 28th of December to 4th of January!!
Post by: Lil Joe on December 13, 2010, 20:46:26
I'll b in kerry 4 the whole thing but the mountaineers have been missin me so much i sorta havta spend a bit of the trip with them afro.gif. but dont worry, i'll only b stayin with all u loverly ppl 4m the 31st to the 4th ;).
Nebody up 4 havin a bit of a dress up on new years? i'll b wearin sumtin ridiculous anyway :-P.
Title: Re: Kerry!!!! 28th of December to 4th of January!!
Post by: Carla! on December 13, 2010, 22:24:19
Nebody up 4 havin a bit of a dress up on new years? i'll b wearin sumtin ridiculous anyway :-P.
or wear nothing- then there wont be any effort getting changed for the skinny dip  ;)
Title: Re: Kerry!!!! 28th of December to 4th of January!!
Post by: Eoghan on December 13, 2010, 23:39:10
I'll b in kerry 4 the whole thing but the mountaineers have been missin me so much i sorta havta spend a bit of the trip with them afro.gif. but dont worry, i'll only b stayin with all u loverly ppl 4m the 31st to the 4th ;).
Nebody up 4 havin a bit of a dress up on new years? i'll b wearin sumtin ridiculous anyway :-P.

i thought you weren't allowed go...?  :P 8)
Title: Re: Kerry!!!! 28th of December to 4th of January!!
Post by: Kerry Gold on December 15, 2010, 19:24:31
.....I will be going, not sure for  how much though ...
(will be getting a bus in)

sure bring everyone from BALLY!!!  ;)

OH.MY.GOD.....Kerry is INSANE!!


Boys and girls, if you get anything right this year get it right and GO TO GLENBEIGH for the dates above

Sure,  i'll tell the whole lot of bally to come along ;D
Title: Re: Kerry!!!! 28th of December to 4th of January!!
Post by: Lil Joe on December 16, 2010, 09:21:52
Well i've been so gud recently that the mountaineers have decided i can go along  ;D! and yeah nakedness is one way 2 go but i was also thinkin mayb a clown costume cud b hilarious seein as steve davis is petrified of clowns  :P.
Title: Re: Kerry!!!! 28th of December to 4th of January!!
Post by: Eoghan on December 16, 2010, 11:35:26
.....I will be going, not sure for  how much though ...
(will be getting a bus in)

sure bring everyone from BALLY!!!  ;)

OH.MY.GOD.....Kerry is INSANE!!


Boys and girls, if you get anything right this year get it right and GO TO GLENBEIGH for the dates above

Sure,  i'll tell the whole lot of bally to come along ;D

nice...  ;)
Title: Re: Kerry!!!! 28th of December to 4th of January!!
Post by: Evan on December 17, 2010, 16:15:09

Costume idea for someone
Title: Re: Kerry!!!! 28th of December to 4th of January!!
Post by: kmck on December 18, 2010, 11:44:19
Sexual harrassment Panda
Title: Re: Kerry!!!! 28th of December to 4th of January!!
Post by: Yu Liu on December 18, 2010, 16:02:54
evan, who was crying for a costume exactly like this last year?   :police:
Title: Re: Kerry!!!! 28th of December to 4th of January!!
Post by: Towelyey on December 20, 2010, 12:10:43



Title: Re: Kerry!!!! 28th of December to 4th of January!!
Post by: Eoghan on December 20, 2010, 23:02:10
1 exaam left..... I CAN'T WAIT!!!  8)
Title: Re: Kerry!!!! 28th of December to 4th of January!!
Post by: kmck on December 21, 2010, 11:42:03
It was in the email but here is my advice on kerry survival
1: It's a marathon not a sprint
2: You can't drink all day unless you start in the morning
3: Don't forget to bring a towel, if you're in the club house you must bring a tea towel or a J-cloth or a green fleece. Don't ask why it's just the law
4: Always bring a random bottle of spirits
5: Head torches and reflective jackets while it's not that far of a walk to the pub it is on country roads and is quite dark
6: Dry clothes, while being naked is an acceptable alternative it is not recommended for long stretches of time.
7: Painkillers and other remedies for the morning after bring your own.
8: Be nice to your drivers, many will give you random lifts to the pub, shops or to the river remember that petrol is nearly 1.40 a litre so chocolate bars, pints or just petrol money will always be appreciated.
9: Oldies are so funny if you lick them right they give you money!
Title: Re: Kerry!!!! 28th of December to 4th of January!!
Post by: rog on December 21, 2010, 12:30:48
It was in the email but here is my advice on kerry survival

8: Be nice to your drivers, many will give you random lifts to the pub, shops or to the river remember that petrol is nearly 1.40 a litre so chocolate bars, pints or just petrol money will always be appreciated.

What e-mail are ya talking about?

Just wanted to re-emphasize kierans point there about drivers. And this aint just for kerry really.

A lot of the times trips happen in the club that simply wouldn't be possible without our small group of drivers. I'm not sayin i'm perfect and always treat drivers well/give them money all the time. But i really think drivers should be taken care of. Drivers have to pay for insurance, tax, NCT, general maintenance €1 fecking 40 for petrol and there cars usually get wrecked by paddlers, so its only fair they get taken care of, so like kieran said make sure they get reimbursed for petrol and/or buy them a pint in the aul pub.

Anyway, rant over. BRING ON KERRY!!! Time to get WRECKED!!!
Title: Re: Kerry!!!! 28th of December to 4th of January!!
Post by: Yu Liu on December 21, 2010, 12:45:46
Time to get WRECKED!!!

SAVAGE! Gang Members.  8)
Title: Re: Kerry!!!! 28th of December to 4th of January!!
Post by: Yu Liu on December 21, 2010, 13:06:17
Rog you're always my idol for many years to come !!! my blood is always boiling with your presence !!! seriously
Title: Re: Kerry!!!! 28th of December to 4th of January!!
Post by: Eoghan on December 21, 2010, 13:32:04
Rog you're always my idol for many years to come !!! my blood is always boiling with your presence !!! seriously

saucy...  ;)
Title: Re: Kerry!!!! 28th of December to 4th of January!!
Post by: Jon F on December 21, 2010, 16:14:17
in these days petrol money is valuable than pints
Title: Re: Kerry!!!! 28th of December to 4th of January!!
Post by: Lambe on December 21, 2010, 18:47:55
That was a fairly bent rant there Roger, the context wasn't bent, just how you said it!
Also, good point well made!
Title: Re: Kerry!!!! 28th of December to 4th of January!!
Post by: Nick P on December 22, 2010, 15:11:11
Nick Prendergast 7 days 6 nights and 1 bowl of hooch in kerry
Title: Re: Kerry!!!! 28th of December to 4th of January!!
Post by: Towelyey on December 23, 2010, 10:22:41
6 nights and 1 bowl of hooch

Title: Re: Kerry!!!! 28th of December to 4th of January!!
Post by: kmck on December 23, 2010, 10:27:55
Everybody look in your drinks cabinet, find the most unusual or nasty drink, bring it to kerry. I think it's time for a few rounds of cruel and unusual drinks.
Title: Re: Kerry!!!! 28th of December to 4th of January!!
Post by: finch on December 23, 2010, 10:36:42
I hope you mean one extremely large bowl of hooch per night sir prendergast
Title: Re: Kerry!!!! 28th of December to 4th of January!!
Post by: rog on December 23, 2010, 11:15:27
6 nights and 1 bowl of hooch


Fucking biatch alli, being mean to our freshers!!!

Nice 1 nick!!! See u in kerry!!!
Title: Re: Kerry!!!! 28th of December to 4th of January!!
Post by: kmck on December 23, 2010, 12:10:21
Alli he is offering a bowl of hooch, is a fresher and has no money....and.... and...you're a poo poo head! Nick I'll help make the hooch and we won't give Ali any!
Title: Re: Kerry!!!! 28th of December to 4th of January!!
Post by: finch on December 24, 2010, 17:15:45
Someone want to bring along some speakers ??  afro.gif
Title: Re: Kerry!!!! 28th of December to 4th of January!!
Post by: Eoghan on December 24, 2010, 20:11:39
i've been resting my vocal chords, no worries man...  afro.gif
Title: Re: Kerry!!!! 28th of December to 4th of January!!
Post by: Lambe on December 24, 2010, 21:32:28
Ill be bringing speakers down with me but they'll be in my gaff. I can bring them over every now and then If your stuck
Title: Re: Kerry!!!! 28th of December to 4th of January!!
Post by: Eoghan on December 25, 2010, 15:56:19
Ill be bringing speakers down with me but they'll be in my gaff. I can bring them over every now and then If your stuck

thats pretty bent lambe...
Title: Re: Kerry!!!! 28th of December to 4th of January!!
Post by: Lambe on December 25, 2010, 19:03:42
Fair nuff, no speakers for you so Eoghan. New rule, no speakers in the clubhouse if eoghan is there.
Title: Re: Kerry!!!! 28th of December to 4th of January!!
Post by: finch on December 26, 2010, 11:26:25
Ok guys a few things that would be useful to bring down:
Speakers + Ipod, etc.
Air matresses
Extra blankets
Footballs, frizbees
A towel

Also theres an Aldi in Killorglin (the nearest big town) so you should be able to pick up essentails there on the way down and while you're there.

2 days now - can't wait !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D 8) 8) 8) evil.gif afro.gif afro.gif afro.gif
Title: Re: Kerry!!!! 28th of December to 4th of January!!
Post by: rog on December 26, 2010, 11:39:39
Fair nuff, no speakers for you so Eoghan. New rule, no speakers in the clubhouse if eoghan is there.

New rule: Eoghan is bent
Title: Re: Kerry!!!! 28th of December to 4th of January!!
Post by: kmck on December 26, 2010, 12:53:33
Clean underwear, you wouldn't want to be got short without clean underwear adn of course a towel but not towel as she is boring, doesn't like hooch and of course is a poo poo head!
Title: Re: Kerry!!!! 28th of December to 4th of January!!
Post by: JODY on December 26, 2010, 21:29:22
Enjoy Kerry folks!!

Feels odd to be missing it since i've been there for the whole week the past 6 years.... now what do normal people do for New Years  ???
Title: Re: Kerry!!!! 28th of December to 4th of January!!
Post by: Eoghan on December 26, 2010, 21:33:32
Title: Re: Kerry!!!! 28th of December to 4th of January!!
Post by: kmck on December 26, 2010, 21:33:53
They go to kerry like normal people buzz wrecker!
Title: Re: Kerry!!!! 28th of December to 4th of January!!
Post by: JODY on December 26, 2010, 21:38:18
Hey its not wrecking my buzz  :P Been there, done that  8)

Sorry, way more excited bout the random paddler snowboarding trip I'm heading on in Jan... pity i cant afford both :(
Title: Re: Kerry!!!! 28th of December to 4th of January!!
Post by: Eoghan on December 26, 2010, 21:40:10
Title: Re: Kerry!!!! 28th of December to 4th of January!!
Post by: JODY on December 26, 2010, 21:49:17
I know yer gonna miss me but cheer up, i barely saw anyone from UCD there all last year!
Title: Re: Kerry!!!! 28th of December to 4th of January!!
Post by: Eoghan on December 26, 2010, 21:50:50
how?? remember the upper caragh?? we all had so much fun...you obviously didn't! only joking...enjoy your NEW new years...
Title: Re: Kerry!!!! 28th of December to 4th of January!!
Post by: JODY on December 26, 2010, 21:59:14
Oh yeah.... i was very dazed for that ha ha. Well hungover actually.

I'll try enjoy it, just have to try remember what happened before Kerry was my New Years plan!!  evil.gif
Title: Re: Kerry!!!! 28th of December to 4th of January!!
Post by: Douchier on December 27, 2010, 11:25:20
Jody killed Santa?!?

Title: Re: Kerry!!!! 28th of December to 4th of January!!
Post by: JODY on December 27, 2010, 14:41:41
Shhhhh ii dont want the Christmas police to find out i've killed a mythical man!
I might end up in pretend jail!!!  :o
Title: Re: Kerry!!!! 28th of December to 4th of January!!
Post by: steph on December 27, 2010, 22:45:04
1st-4th with prob 1 space in car! Steph 0879216377
Title: Re: Kerry!!!! 28th of December to 4th of January!!
Post by: Kerry Gold on December 28, 2010, 21:42:38
i'll be arriving tomorow (29th) and leaving on the 2nd.