Author Topic: Fun BoaterX sign up  (Read 29378 times)

Offline Tiny Tim

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Re: Fun BoaterX sign up
« Reply #45 on: February 28, 2014, 22:09:01 »
Myself, Derv and Kevin O'Flanagain

Offline MarieH

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Re: Fun BoaterX sign up
« Reply #46 on: March 02, 2014, 14:03:39 »
Just to stir the pot, but Zog is most definitely not considered a fresher. Not only has he got all his own gear, a L3 (well done by the way) but he has also been in the club for over a year. He must be stripped of his Fresher status pronto!

Offline NiamhElle

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Re: Fun BoaterX sign up
« Reply #47 on: March 02, 2014, 14:07:00 »
Hey! myself and Roger are going to be in a team but we need a third person, if anyone is up for it or you know anyone give us a shout :) 8)

Offline Diarmuid

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Re: Fun BoaterX sign up
« Reply #48 on: March 02, 2014, 14:59:24 »
Zog even competed in this last year!

Offline Steven Mul

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Re: Fun BoaterX sign up
« Reply #49 on: March 02, 2014, 15:00:16 »
Ye I think zog isn't a fresher either

Offline Aoife S

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Re: Fun BoaterX sign up
« Reply #50 on: March 02, 2014, 15:04:10 »
I was just thinking, didn't Zog join BEFORE refreshers last year????  :o Sorry man, you're definitely not a fresher!!!

Offline Zog

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Re: Fun BoaterX sign up
« Reply #51 on: March 02, 2014, 15:41:31 »
Firstly, thanks Marie  ;) but I began paddling last year in the second semester, and as such am regarded as a refresher, it has been stated that refreshers can fill the fresher slot.  I don't see what the point is about my gear, I bought my own stuff so what? or my paddling ability, I'd like to remind everyone that Joey and Briain both competed in the fresher category last year and indeed Joey was part of the winning team. Both of these guys are most certainly better paddlerswas joey an instructor or trainee instructor at the time?  than me and there was definitely a wider gap in skill level and ability between them and the likes of my brother or Deividas.

Offline Steven Mul

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Re: Fun BoaterX sign up
« Reply #52 on: March 02, 2014, 15:53:42 »
But they were technically freshers. You did join before the official refreshers day which puts you into a limbo position between fresher and refresher. Personally I think having your own gear and having your level 3 doesn't make a difference in this scenario but I do think that because you competed last year (where a lot of other refreshers didn't) and because since then you have run Jacksons on private trips you should be counted as a college type.

Offline MarieH

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Re: Fun BoaterX sign up
« Reply #53 on: March 02, 2014, 15:54:30 »
A fresher is by definition someone who is in their first year with the club, regardless of paddling ability or stage of college they are at.

As stated by you last night, you first paddled with us in January 2013. It is now March 2014 so your golden days of being classed a fresher have well expired. It's time to move on to greener pastures.

Offline Steven Mul

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Re: Fun BoaterX sign up
« Reply #54 on: March 02, 2014, 15:55:45 »
...anyway you'll probably just end up swimming on the run in and ruining your teams chances so it probably wouldn't make a huge difference.

Let the trash talk begin!  evil.gif

Offline Zog

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Re: Fun BoaterX sign up
« Reply #55 on: March 02, 2014, 16:15:21 »
I joined in week 1 of the second semester not week 2 and as such gained 1 week more of experience...does that really equate to having a whole previous semester more experience over someone who joined a few days after me?

With regards to my experience of jacksons, I've run the actual falls once on a private trip. 

As for "competing last year" I swam twice on the run in and didn't even run the falls. Ross has the video footage to prove this and Karen would probably rather forget it ever happened...

I am a refresher, refreshers can compete in the fresher category as already stated.

Steven, its on.

P.S. I have yet to be announced as being on any team, don't know what all the fuss is about? :D :D :D

Offline Diarmuid

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Re: Fun BoaterX sign up
« Reply #56 on: March 02, 2014, 16:26:39 »
Poor Zog, so determined to be a fresher, can't relinquish the good old days ;-)

Offline Steven Mul

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Re: Fun BoaterX sign up
« Reply #57 on: March 02, 2014, 16:32:28 »

P.S. I have yet to be announced as being on any team, don't know what all the fuss is about? :D :D :D

Thought you said something about finch and simon being with you?

Offline Andru93

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Re: Fun BoaterX sign up
« Reply #58 on: March 02, 2014, 17:09:00 »
I hear that people are finding it hard to get freshers?

So we will allow last years freshers to count as your fresher for this year. This will be taken into account for the times on the day.

Also if you do use a non-fresher as your fresher they must wear some form of home-made nappy on the day for the race. (failing to do so will incur a time penalty)

the Organisers have spoken

I am a refresher, refreshers can compete in the fresher category as already stated.

Why not just do this and end it already! :P
Though i'd say you need a bit more than a nappy!
(something like this ) :D

Offline NiamhElle

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Re: Fun BoaterX sign up
« Reply #59 on: March 02, 2014, 19:58:45 »
we're all stuck in a  rut!!  :o >:(