I've been on a river in Kerry and needed a head torch and it was, thinking back, funny

So 24 people have so far posted under this topic out of 57 replies and 1148 views. I presume the decision effects a lot more people than the 24 who have posted so far = kayakers from all colleges, social members, oldies, ex pats like myself, Allio talks about 100 heads, but I'm thinking more like 300heads who come and go to "Kerry". So the suggestion to talk about it at varsities and at the ball??? and all any other big events and not being too hasty here is a good idea.
Maybe others who haven't posted yet could post what you think? If you're not in, you can't win!
And just to go around in circles..... my .02c
In my opinion, don't move. Rossbeigh has the best in the country to offer, but obviously the money rates need to be negotiated with the locals. Moving to scare them WAS DONE. For two years we went to Castle Gregory. A great time was had by all but all wanted to return to Rossbeigh.
For those who do not want to go back because of Dee, I respect your decision but I was a little surprised as one of the reasons I really want to go back this year is because of Dee. I wasn't there 07/08 or 08/09 and really want to remember Dee in Kerry.
Having spent one New Year's in Nicaragua and this year in Cornwall working, I made up my mind, no matter what happens, I'm not missing another Kerry. So I was soooo shocked to read the title of this post and its contents. Having red all the replies and having talked to good friends who were there this year, I understand the need to raise the issue. But I think negotiation with the cottages owners is the first port of call, not leaving.... Please don't leave

It's going to be difficult to please everyone but I believe in UCDCC and in kayaker’s mentality in general to try and accept everyone’s opinion. Since I moved away, I realise even more how special a group of friends you guys are, one in a million. So at the end of the day, I will spend next New Year's where the majority end up...
in Rossbeigh